i think i almost had anyurism today on the drive home from alpine. it is just rediculous. not once, but twice, some idiot who was speeding up in the right lane decided that a good place to cut into the passing lane would be right in front of me. take not of the fact that there was NOT room for a car in between me and the car in front of me. does this dissuade an idiot minivan driver from walnut creek from comming on over anyhow? nope. i lay on my horn for a good 30 seconds, and was so stunned that he was still coming into my lane, that i just applied the brakes, and the bastard completed his ill advised manuver. i of course freaked out and made all kinds of hand gestures, and pulled up along side him and mouthed the words 'your an idiot, and you dont know how to drive'. him and his middle aged man friend of course looked straight ahead to avoid my line of sight.
so after that incident, maybe 10 minutes down the road, some other idiot tries the same thing! i guess i was having bad luck that day... anyhow, i was not about to allow it to happen twice, so instead of laying on the horn and breaking, i layed on the horn, and stayed right there. i called the idiots bluff, and after a couple of small moves into my lane, he decided that i wasnt going to move for him, and had to apply his brakes.
the moral of the story is that i hate people that are up from walnut creek or san jose or some crap like that, and bring their idiot driving to I-80. i seriously got to the point where i wouldnt have cared if i had seen those cars in a ditch down the road... so increadibly frustrating.
other moral of the story, avoid skiing saturdays when possible.
Mercy's eyes are blue
When she places them in front of you
Nothing holds a roman candle to
The solemn warmth you feel inside