1st Nathan Powell
2nd Eric Johnson
3rd Andy something
Personally, i think a few people got robbed today. first, eric, he should have beat Nathan. The other was Tyler K. He had two flawless runs, nothing spun under 5, all kinds off diff grabs, greased the rails, and got a 19.6 on his run. thats lame. I came in fourthish i think, i fell on both my runs. Overshot on a rodeo/flairish thing, and landed 15-20 feet past the landing, and then washed out on an overrotated 7tail, should have gone 9. yup, thats it.
The Official-royal nose-picking, wannabea highschool dropout, Gary Coleman-loving, Arnold-hating, college chick-dating, Montana boonies guy
Member of the 'lets help Sam loose some weight so he can possibly get a girl' Club.
Only Westcoaster in the Eastcoast Cult