Dude. Remember the K2's that were supposedly on 'Hold for Elliott'... well, I talked to Alex again today, and he was saying like 'Ah I remember you, yea unfortunately this girl had put in the record for when this guy is coming to pick em up, and he was serious about it.' So I kinda complained a little, but in a nice way. And guess what. He finally said 'Alright, we'll sell ya the PEs' for $400.oo man! So I got myself some freaking PEs now! How sick is that dude.
I hope Elliott comes to look for his skis like tomorrow, and sees that they're NOT THERE! MUAH HA HAH
Oh, I also got myself some sick Look bindings and some poles. I'm freaking set man. I can't wait to throw down!
I said get behind me.
Keep it real,