OK here it goes...... Tiny landings? Or proper landings..... If a table has a good length 40+ feet, you would want to be about 15'+ off the deck...... thus a 25% grade or pitch on the take off..... Now because of gravity and week old knees you would you like a landing that is 10% grade and 90' long.... NO... Midwest kids like flat landings! Not at MM..... The landings are big and steep because you are UP 15'-30' off the deck/ground.... if you like the wussy Evil Canevil 10% grade distance jumps go out west, the runs are longer and you can sore 60’ and only be 10’ off the ground!
Here in the Midwest (or maybe just MM) we strive for hang time (on some of the jumps) not how many cars We could clear.
If I wanted to go the distance and feel the speed I would jam to some Cake on my disk-man and do a rail to rail transfer.
I bet 20'+/- off the deck. MM is best by far……
Any one have rocket skies?
Evil did not attempt to jump the Grand Canyon. His rocket cycle attempt was over the Snake River Canyon. Robbie his son successfully jumped a very narrow section of the Grand Canyon just a couple years ago(guessing around 250-300 feet)
I only consider it a sucess if land on two wheels. Robbie has a bad habit of clearing the jump and crashing on the other side.
I once jumped from one spot to the same spot........... and made it.
Stay Tuned Kiddies!
PS… MM Park Focus should be on the smaller Beginner / Intermediate Park!
The big shit is the shit we don’t need to fuss with that stuff as much…..
Peace hippies!