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screw rails, i want more jump
Posts: 1471
Karma: 221
I;ve read it a few times, I;ve been told countless times, and I see the desire... but i gotta tell you. While the demand for booters increases, the liability concern around building jumps is entirely way to rediculous. If you truly want to see more jumps at your local hill, play your part in educating the morons out there about how they work, and whats involved. Too many people over the years havent paid enough respect for what a terrain feature is, and now we;re startting to get caught up in the BS. Sundown will have some booters this season, however, not nearly as many as I;d like to put out due to the fact that a lot of people cant handle the responsibility involved. So, I bought a bunch of steel, and we;ll be doiing more this season with a lot of new rails and boxes. PLEASE help us lower the injury rates in parks this winter.
thank you
Posts: 11939
Karma: 21,833
well i know at stratton, in order to enter their main park you gotta watch a video and sign a waiver and whatnot. that wouldn't be much fun, but it also really sucks when you guys gotta close the jumps because some little kid gets hurt doing something stupid. this is a long debated isse, and it's rather hard to come to a good conclusion. i'm glad to hear you have good plans for sundown, you've really made an impact. thanks
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
confucious says 'if you make few jumps, make them nicely.'
Posts: 2514
Karma: 8
Posts: 791
Karma: 95
im guessing the jumps will be on gunbarrel..are you going to have at least 2 good sized 40-50ft tables?
and is the 3ft wide butterbox happening? that would be dank
Posts: 1471
Karma: 221
it;ll be 4 foot wide, and 16 feet long, Weve got some pretty cool ideas as to how it could be set up, but right off, i want to set it up all joey like to try and get the little ones into sliding something.
the big air jump will still be in the same location as it has been, and will range 45-55 feet for normal days. there;ll be a few comps where it may be as large as 65, but we;ll see.
Other than that, yea, jumps and rails on gunny, with the exception of the progressive park on sunny side.
DOnt forget the film fest this friday, nov. 12th.
high five
momment of truth
see the sundown down kink, the 90 footer and the 100 foot down kink in WICKED and UNSPOKEN
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
even if you have two jumps, just make them worth hitting and you won't have problems.
Posts: 13551
Karma: 31
mt snow 90 was a good setup
Posts: 1013
Karma: 19
there was a 100 foot kink at sundown? this is news...
From the desk of Mr. S.S. Jibber
Posts: 444
Karma: 15
no, at the end of the season they put the 90 footer adn the kinker together to make a 100ft kinker... it wasnt set up for just anyone to hit
Posts: 11939
Karma: 21,833
they put the 60 footer and then the 40 foot kink, the videos on SAS
Posts: 1991
Karma: 14
Yeah that video is sweet. Who slid it again in that video?
'Thanks for ripping off my friend. He has a magnum.' - SkogenJake
'I was like a 13 year old girl meeting a backstreet boy' - Ski@Jaypeak2 ... on meeting Glen Plake
Posts: 1471
Karma: 221
Posts: 1471
Karma: 221
sorry, the clip you;re refering to is matt iovanni... i cant spell, but thats him, not heed.
CHeck out Wicked!
Posts: 2954
Karma: 14
we not only need more jumps, but less beginner 10' flat rails, imean there all the same so y does each resort have like 5 of them and one good rail
Posts: 1471
Karma: 221
Posts: 4565
Karma: 10
I kind of like Strattons idea of making you watch a video, however, if you don't go there a lot and only come up for like a weekend or go there for some reason or another it must be a pain in the ass having to waste your time and do all that shit
Posts: 791
Karma: 95
i dont like strattons idea.
Posts: 11939
Karma: 21,833
twintipteles, you must be joking
must i remind you we had a 60 footer, a 40 foot downkink, a 15 or so foot rainbow, a trap that was about 30 feet, a 6 footer in the little kids park, a 20 foot box, and two rails that were 20 feet long, all scattered at various places around the mountaing.
Posts: 1489
Karma: 10
no i like sundown's rails. they have a lot-- battleship, kink, huge flat and rainbow, right? but i agree the park needs more kickers, and liability is a problem. last season there was this guy that went off and broke his face, lost like five teeth and bled all over the landing, o no, not the landing, the flat. maybe there needs to be smaller features for people like that and they won't get hurt so bad.
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of
arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly
proclaiming...'Wow! What a ride!'
Posts: 11939
Karma: 21,833
yeah i remember that guy with the teeth
Posts: 2367
Karma: 13
at juniper mtn. theres 36 new rails in ther rail park feature...so f-ing crazy...not to mention the 15+ booters in the park..and they allow inverts
Bush in '04-When keeping it real goes wrong!
Posts: 2342
Karma: 3,940
i hate it when herbs (def. spelt that wrong) try to go off jumps and just screw up the lips of them. They're just so stupid! They dont understand the whole drop-in concept they just go whenever they feel like, then dont even make it up the ramp of the jump. It's even worse when they actually hurt themselves trying to go off a rail or hit a box. It ruins it for all of the people actually doing stuff
Posts: 2342
Karma: 3,940
hey twintip skier about your first post in this topic. I really dont agree with you when you said something like little kids doing something stupid and making them close the jumps or rails. I'm just a little kid (14 yrs old under 5') and if i didnt do stupid things in the park i would suck. I think what you meant was herbs, right? cuz some little kids really rip.
Posts: 4008
Karma: 143
i ski stratton and it sure is nice not having the joeys that just come around in there closin off jumps. also the SES pass takes like 5 minutes to get unlike the 20 it took last year
Posts: 989
Karma: 11
i went to stratton for a day, and the pass was rediculously expensive and the video was a pain but i think worth it, so i dk its a somewhat good idea, they should just have park judges who can like reject people who look retarded
Posts: 11939
Karma: 21,833
bomberhats, i wasnt talking about literally 'little' kids, i meant youngins who arent sure of their skill level yet, for example i was at mount southington last year, and a kid was throwing backs and back 180's, and a kid that was like 11 or 12 thought he could do a backflip, and he really fucked himself up and they had to close the jump the rest of the weekend and it was really dissappointing. i was kind of talking about that specific instance
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