Replying to Alpine/Boreal Update 11/5/04
hey everyone its late so instead of typing it all out i'm just going to copy the update from the Alpine site:
Updated Friday, November 5, 2005
The Kangaroo Terrain Park is GROWING!! Currently available starting Saturday, November 6 on Kangaroo Run, starting from the top:
All-Snow Butter Box
20' Down Rail
20' Table Top
20' Flat Rail
20' Table Top
15' Flat Box
20' Table Top
15' Flat Rail
20' Down Box
AND MAYBE (if he has time): 40' C Rail with Flat Set-Up
(sorry I didnt get to the c-rail but it will be out for sunday at the bottom of the run set up on the flats as a re-entry right before the lift lines)
Boreal goes as follows:
pyramid box / 20 flat rail option
double wide 25ft table / rainbow box option
c-box / double butter bumps option
between the chairs:
reset the 20ft flat rail
15ft up rail
small(2ft high, 10ft wide, 15ft long) but crazy all snow jib feature(ledge on right/ banked on left / flat tranny up onto it and a slight woo off the end to the landing...practice your butters!!!
I'll be at Alpine during the days this weekend so if ya see come and say hi.
later skaters
Mudflap..your friendly Alpine/Boreal park guy
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