Replying to park building...
Before I get bitched at, I know there is little snow in Ohio and Indiana, but I've really noticed this a lot lately...
Terrain parks are focusing too much on rails and jibs, I know there isn't much snow, but parks should focus on jumps:
1.I would rather see the park builders focusing on flowing runs and snowmaking, than rail building. Rails are good, but you really don't a 10 to 1 rail to jump ratio.
Our parks should be made to flow with every turn and takeoff, multiple take offs one landing could give a lot of variety w/ out a lot of snow or space.
2.I have seen a lot of this in the park at Perfect North Slopes, Indiana, and this is not ment to criticize anyone. It's just frustrating to hear all these kids yell and bitch about the new boxes, and crazy rail setups, we really don't need.
3.Think about this... one day or night before the season(maybe evening after the ski swap, ect.), the people who ride the park should meet w/ the builders, and talk about plans for next year. The skiers can say what they'd like to see, and the park builders can explain what's possible w/ the snow and time availablt for the park.
4.I realize not everyone who rides park would go to this, but anyone who cares about what they ski on should.
5. Everything I have said are just basic ideas and I realize some of you fuckers are gonna tell me how stupid the entire post was. but i think if the skiers understand the park builders(i guess thats what you call them) concerns, and the park builders understand what teh skier want to see, then the park will be the best it's every been and fun to ski everyday.
- Jeremy
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