Replying to Rail Session NE ohio...
Alright. me and Decker (ohio_freestyle) are gettin a rail session organized this friday (the 20th of august) we are getting snow from the auburn ice palace. we have a sweet drop ramp that i built. it mounts behind the cab of a pickup. the ramp folds down off the side. all we have to do is pull up, flip it down and session. its got gates too for pushing off. if anyone has a pickup and or wants to come, drop me a line. If you know of any good rails, lets hear um. i dont know if kyle has anything picked out, but so far, the only ones i have foud that would be suitable for summer are:
a slightly sloping 80-90 ft down rail at Auruara Farms
a 12 stair at some restaurant in the Cyuahoga valley
maybe like one other one. i got a huge list of um, but these are the only two that could be hit with minimal snow. if you know of any, especially some nice kink or curve rails, let me know ASAP. Again, if your down, Msg me, dont bother replying to this.
I.L.I.A.G.A. Crew Represnt!
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