You might've read about this in that other thread. My grandpa has had this car forever, and I've always been in love with it. He is dying of cancer right now, and gave it to me. Me and my dad drove down to Arizona where he lives a few weeks ago, and towed it home.
It was originally a 1961 Volkswagen Beetle (VIN 3393927) built sometime in August of 1960. The pan is cut and welded 14.5 inches shorter, and then the fiberglass body is just bolted on top.
It has a rebuilt 1600cc motor. It hasn't been driven for about 4 years, but I got it up an running last friday for the first time. The engine still needs a little tinkering before its really road worthy, but I take it around the block usually once a day. Sometimes it won't start at all though, so I don't know.
Kevin helped me bleed the brakes (there was no fluid in the lines!). A friend is going to paint it for me, but not for a few weeks. I want it completely drivable first. I'm going to repaint almost the same color, but right now its a shitty ass spray can job. No clear coat or anything. So we're gonna strip it down, patch up all the holes and flaws, etc, prime it, then he's gonna paint it for me. So anyways, I'll get some more pics up, but heres a nice one!

Dont worry, its a controlled slide.