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who still loves the wallride?
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
I do! I don't think enough people hit that badboy. and it SERIOUSLY needs to be able to be hit in the same run as hitting the pipe. I love both so much its hard to choose
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
'Amy, are your ears cold? Your ice is looking icier than usual...' -Turpin
Posts: 4032
Karma: 469
Im a drinker with skiing problems
Posts: 9939
Karma: 15
some bitch ass kid ran into me on that my last day there, i was pretty pissed.
Silly Rabbits. Pink is for cheese! –stevexs2
i love watching people get nutted. i hate seeing naked fat people getting the box munched - BallinBU
numbers are for jewish investment bankers - sleezemcfly
im a straight up thugged out ghetto prep - ATLANTASKI
Looting, it's the new way to buy stuff! - Jib_This
Posts: 8586
Karma: 34
Soooooooooooo much fun.
They should make a second one, only more slanted.
Posts: 19108
Karma: 16
so good!
if i was a fat black chick, id live in a zoo- Lateralis
NA stands for Dogs Never Admit, its a game about dogs that you interview that have done serious crimes and you try to get them to admit to anything, oh and its in 3d and dolby digital 5.0-Lateralis
have nothing, I dont save anything from ns, i have mostly porn on my comp tho- Lateralis
hahah yeah, if i was able to do a 1620 smoothly with a grab, do you think id still be in a shit ass town with a tiny ass hill?? no id be in mammoth ripping it up everyday repping my sponsors!-Lateralis
I almost broke my penis once, i fell down my gfs stairs naked and with a boner, i was never so scared in my life - Lateralis
Posts: 2674
Karma: 122
cost me one MCL this year
When in doubt...FSI
...fuckin send it
work to live...not live to work.
work to ski...but only if you ski to work. The simple equation to skibumming 101
Posts: 2495
Karma: 14
haha that sucks. they should haul that thing up to the glacier fo the summer. or one of the camps should pay for it to be at there camp or somthin
Member Since 2003-01-15
Member Number 13501
dont get it twisted
Posts: 6631
Karma: 41
they'd have to take it apart and move it in sections. it'd be pretty damn expensive, but yes, also very sweet.
wow good observation! You are officaily the new ns genious. You can pick up your award after I shove it up your ass. - Phrosty
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
it would be VERY sick, if high north bought it for the summer
High North Session 4, 2004
Posts: 8
Karma: 584
The Wallride will not be moved up to the glacier this summer. When it was built it was heli-ed up to the park in sections and then welded together making it very durable but not easily movable.
Posts: 1861
Karma: 28
the funny thing is that i highly doubt after seeing you ski that skiergurl really hits the wall, she mite tap it, or actually hit it by running into it, but i call bluff
Im right and thats the bottom line...
Posts: 581
Karma: 15
'When I go skiing on Thursday, I'm gonna grab my skis! Grabbing didn't even EXIST the last time I skied!' - a snowboarder co-worker who is going skiing on Thursday.
Posts: 1571
Karma: 20
yah that wallride was pretty sick super sticky on top tho
Posts: 1398
Karma: 74
luga how would you no..you never made it to the top..ouch burn
Check out: http://www.engsoc.org/~bigmike/skiing/videos/
Agressive Instincts Productions.
Posts: 1571
Karma: 20
cuz my arm hit the top once when i ate shit an it felt sticky
Posts: 4714
Karma: 1,050
that was fucking retarded
Original Member number:336(on original name, Misty9)
Posts: 3210
Karma: 110
hahahahaahha im sorry but i agree with^
Posts: 1571
Karma: 20
ya i'm dumb
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
apestead is such a fag. the homo hasn't ever SEEN me ski! what a gaytard.
shootr can most DEFINETLY attest to my wallride skills, I made it to the top in front of him AND GS guys like darren and brad. apestead can go eat his own ass.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
'Amy, are your ears cold? Your ice is looking icier than usual...' -Turpin
Posts: 3144
Karma: 184
oh my
Theory3 Media - bringing something new out 2004. Theory-3.com - new site coming soon.
Posts: 4382
Karma: 12
hahaha go Amy! fuck the T3 crew such cocky assholes.
When I was 15 i found a mole on my neck and i knew then that I should try to make a living skiing... - Eric Pollard
Posts: 1510
Karma: 10
oh dear...
Yes, Harvey is definatly an 'ASS RAMMIN DICKHEAD' - Jibtech
Posts: 734
Karma: 10
^ i sure hope you're not mistaking ape and his comments for being part of the 'T3 crew'
Posts: 734
Karma: 10
and you're just pissed cause you got dissed by those 'cocky assholes'
Posts: 4382
Karma: 12
let see i know ape isn't part of T3 apes a cool guy. and what diss are you talking about? just don't like people who don't step in on guys trying to get with your girl of 2 years. something bout lack of respect, but whatever, never been to impressed with jeff's or for that mater any of T3's additude.
When I was 15 i found a mole on my neck and i knew then that I should try to make a living skiing... - Eric Pollard
Posts: 2279
Karma: 12
Amy, you don't ever have to defend yourself.
Posts: 3144
Karma: 184
Tyler grow up. You know clear as day I have never said anything of that sort to you. Its all good, hate on me and theory3, I am sorry for what has happened with you and brooke. Not sure how that is important information for the internet...but more power to you
Theory3 Media - bringing something new out 2004. Theory-3.com - new site coming soon.
Posts: 3144
Karma: 184
Shouldnt we all just go ski and stop being so gay
Theory3 Media - bringing something new out 2004. Theory-3.com - new site coming soon.
Posts: 4733
Karma: 39
be gay wiht me JEFF! !!
Posts: 4382
Karma: 12
jeff read before posting, i didn't say you said anything to me. i just don't like your or T3 for that matter. you have never givin me a reason to like you and you have givin my a few reasons to dislike you. so i have the right to say i don't like you, your company or SOME (not all or very many of your riders for that matter. and guess what its my right and i have my reasons don't have to defend them on a chat forum. And I'll agree with you that we need to all stop being gay and just ski.
When I was 15 i found a mole on my neck and i knew then that I should try to make a living skiing... - Eric Pollard
Posts: 1571
Karma: 20
Posts: 734
Karma: 10
^ someone's bitter
Posts: 4733
Karma: 39
can we still be gay?
Posts: 1571
Karma: 20
Posts: 734
Karma: 10
too late
Posts: 4382
Karma: 12
cody for sure you are the gayest of them all don't worry you never will stop.
When I was 15 i found a mole on my neck and i knew then that I should try to make a living skiing... - Eric Pollard
Posts: 618
Karma: 10
Amy has cool hats too. Why dis her sking though? Pah. Feel free to dis mine though...no snow here...
'The money's in the medicine, not the cure!' Harvey
Posts: 2767
Karma: 20
well first of all, this thread is way off topic. YAY ames for loving the wall ride, luke, you have no place to critize her skiing, and tyler you flipped out.
B girl ain't lost the beat
Jumped over drama and I landed on my feet
Gotta keep goin'
No stoppin' me
And if you don't like it, then
La la la la la la la
Posts: 734
Karma: 10
^ werd brooke. can we say temper tantrum?
Posts: 1398
Karma: 74
luke is a loser!
Posts: 1861
Karma: 28
man fuck all you bitches, i have too seen that bich ski, and yes shes the biggest pro ho of them all, think about it, i dont really give a flying fuk about what anyone says cuz i dont care about the whole industry anyways. its so fukin small who cares, you all need to get real lives, the world is wayy bigger than the skiing world, sorry i call things the way they are, and ive actually grown up and im not some rich fuk with a condo or even access to a condo, hell i cant even afford lift tickets, so you all can suk a dik, im out, bitches.
well i havent climbed everest but i have fucked a married chick.
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
you diss my skiing- you deserve a lifetime of getting turned down by girls because your dick is too small. congratulations.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
'Amy, are your ears cold? Your ice is looking icier than usual...' -Turpin
Posts: 618
Karma: 10
LOLOL! You go ames!
'The money's in the medicine, not the cure!' Harvey
Posts: 1861
Karma: 28
oh hahaha, she is so funny cuz she said my dick is small hahah, how the fuck would that cesspool of disease know. none of you mofuckers know me so dont talk about what you dont know, and for the record i know a whole lot more about amy than you all think i know, and on top of that, since when did elementary style disses become funny? fukin ignorant bastards
fuk all you haters, half of you are rich lil bitches and the other half are just bitches.
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
hey ape- what are you trying to prove here? that you are some kind of creepy stalker? judging by what you just said : 'for the record i know a whole lot more about amy than you all think i know,' you seem to have an unusually keen interest in my life, and thats really disturbing since although you may have seen me in person ONCE before, I haven't had a conversation with you. I don't know why anyone would take such care to know all about me, its more frightening than anything. So how bout you stop obsessing over what you THINK I've done or not done, get over it, and live your own life. thanks.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
'Amy, are your ears cold? Your ice is looking icier than usual...' -Turpin
Posts: 1861
Karma: 28
no no no no no, im sorry amy but unfortunately i would never even consider caring about you, despite the fact you think your important enuff, the fact of the matter is, i am defending my self, people say something about me, im gonna defend it and not take it like a bitch, and also, the reason i know a lot about you, is because your pitiful antics spill their way down to me thru the grapevine, i dont ask, it just comes to me because of the stupid things you do.
fuk all you haters, half of you are rich lil bitches and the other half are just bitches.
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
it dissappoints me that you listen to all the gossip that goes around, cause thats all it is- gossip. get a life.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
'Amy, are your ears cold? Your ice is looking icier than usual...' -Turpin
Posts: 1861
Karma: 28
you can call it what ever you want, but the truth isnt gossip. maybe if it offends you so much you should stop being a dum bitch, try that and then get back to me.
fuk all you haters, half of you are rich lil bitches and the other half are just bitches.
Posts: 8272
Karma: 9
you know what's stupid? Worrying about other people's skiing and lives instead of your own. It's people like you who make skiing stupid, clique-y, and competitive, instead of fun, inspiring, and friendly.
Worry about your own shit.
Freezy deletes all my posts because he doesn't like me, so I suggest you message him to make him stop.
Posts: 2279
Karma: 12
apestead is obviously and will remain sans GF. i'll bet though he goes out to bars and 'picks up chicks' or 'hoes' or 'bitches' or whatever he calls the mindless girls who would give him the time of day.
when he reaches 30 and starts to find a wife, whom he will proceed to cheat on within a gaurenteed 2 years of getting married (yes apestaed remember that, 2 years and you are cheating on your future wife), she will then find out and try to leave you. you will beat her and she will stay for maybe, oh say, 1 more year until her parents get involved and make her leave you. you will hop into your F350 pick up go to the bar and get smashed because of 'that fucking bitch' that just left you. then after the bar you will get pulled over for driving drunk and end up in jail.
why am i going thru this more than likely scenario? because after all the pain you cause to yourslf and others in your life you will never learn. i am the world apestead has given up on you. go fulfill your destiny as a cheating wife beater who drives a f350 and get arrested for drunk driving. not to fear tho, the suburbs are filled with your kind so you should feel right at home where you are right now.
For all you suckers, liars, your cheap amplifiers
You crossed up wires are always starting fires
For you grown up criers, now heres a pair of pliers
Get a job like your mother, I heard she fixes old dryers
Posts: 2279
Karma: 12
hey apestead, wanna come ski with me and show much you rip? come on out to our neck of the woods and show us what you have.
i am tired of your talking, i want you to put your money where your mouth is. next season in the HL we are going to all meet up and you are going to throw done for us, ok? sound like a plan. cpome to blackcomb and show us up you big STUD!
For all you suckers, liars, your cheap amplifiers
You crossed up wires are always starting fires
For you grown up criers, now heres a pair of pliers
Get a job like your mother, I heard she fixes old dryers
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