On the highway side.
Me and my friend decided to get out of the shit weather all over the mountian last week and hiked up past the clouds on Southern Cross. We went a ways beyond the backcountry sign and then found a narrow chute to drop down. It got totally sick, like 10 wide and a mandatory drop at the bottom, emptying out in the glades far to the left of the Big Chief bowl when you look back up the mountian.
Anyways, i was wondering if anyone had a backcountry map for stevens that includes more lines like that. Thanks, and i might actually start getting on the site more now that im into the UW and can slack at school.
'Shut up norton!'
'Its the Smell.'
'Tight, tight, crevice.'
'Haaappy H-H-aawwwwnakUU! Miiiirry ChRIStMasss! kWAanzaa!'
-Vern Fonk