It seems that for the longest time, when I came across something in politics, or in the way the government was running things I would either bitch about it; blow it off or make fun of it.
I don't know about all of you, but it seems that the best way to get what we want out of life, and out of the folks that run things is to get involved and ask for it.
Here is a good chance to do that - there is a new guy on the scene in the Whistler/West Van Federal Riding who is doing a meet and greet in Whistler on December 11th.
Blair Wilson be at the Brew House between 5 and 7pm to meet as many locals as possible,
and then is co-hosting 'Liberate Winter' at Buffalo Bill's between 9 and 1am.
Come and check it out, take a look at and get involved with things.