Replying to Ch@RZSE is a foreigner!
Some of you know Ch@RZSE, AKA Charles Grant, but many of you do not. Mostly because he's not on the WA Forum very much.
Which brings me to my point. How in the hell did he get into the PNW CREW and WA Cult cults!? He's from fucking Toronto! Oh, so you think cuz you were in FOCUS, shared a segment with LoKa$h, spent 2 weeks with us at Baker, and gave a couple good showings at some of our drunk nights that all of a sudden you're part of the WA crew?
Any of you that have met him know what I'm talking about. He says the strangest things, does too many rodeos, listens to some fucked up music, and actually likes bull shots. I like the kid and all but I really wonder if he's right for us.
Maybe we should think on this a little before we welcome the little Northerner with open arms. But don't hesitate to state your case Charles...remember...I'm not judging, I'm just saying. We would love to hear what's on your mind.
This random rant brought to you by the WA council for more hot skier chicks, BC kickers, Dynomite, less rain, LoKash graphics, new ownership of Mission Ridge, less sledding, a park at White Pass, people loosening up at Crystal, replacing the quad at West with a high speed, less ski carpet ballet, and no fucking lift lines. Oh..and fuk da po yo//
FOCUS your mind.
Grant: Jesus Christ LoKash...this is a family establisment.
LoKash: So is the penitentiary.
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