Replying to Early season updates
So here's how it is. Add posts and comments to the list after you've skied somewhere.
Copper 1/1/03 (Opening Day): Even though we had to download on the Eagle, the two runs they had open were not at all bad. Copperopolis (the run to the left) was almost like skiing mid season. The mini jib park was good fun as well. Long box, small trap, picnic table, one like this--> -----______, a worthless log jib, and two really short rails that just popped out of the snow. It soon became very crowded in the afternoon, but then again it was opening day. The majority of the crowd were snowboarders, and I was one of two girl skiers there although the other one looked like she was from the midwest or something... Anyway, overall Copper will be the place to be for early season. Watch for their pipe in about a month.
'You think they're selling you truth,
the truth is, they're selling you out'
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