Posts: 14044
Karma: 10,316
i'm glad to get out of my school - they were a buch of dykes and fuckers. this is how dumb my school was - i was at a small country school with about 600 people or so in it and i knew the v.p. (friends mom) and she constantly bitched at me when she saw me skipping class - but anyways, 2nd semester i only had classes 1st and 2nd peroid, than i had the rest of the day off - one day they called my house and said i was truent for 5th period. than they tired to give me a detention for it. wtf is that b.s.? that's just the start of a long list of stories about how my school tried to screw me over.
but i'm out now - so all you going back for your last year - don't take shit seriously, it's all a joke.
a wet pussy has no face and a hard cock has no conscience