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Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
a gnarlyriffic thank you to kristen, alex, dave, alex, erica, erin and jesse for being the raddest people ever. I had an awesome weekend and hope to have lots more this weekend guys! oh yeah, I'll be sure to keep the cell phone in a better pocket when jibbing off the benches in the vill. cough. cough. got home safe...
'You two are the blackest white chicks I have ever met.' ~Danny M
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
hahaha yeah Amy... you're rad... i'm getting the pics developed soon, i'll send them on to you soon. 47 more days till the mountain opens. you better be up here!!
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
this weekend?
what the hell. haha this winter... duh
okay the only word to describe me today is haggard. haggard.
'You two are the blackest white chicks I have ever met.' ~Danny M
Posts: 581
Karma: 15
a great big YOUR WELCOME from us!!! i'm glad we were able to show you a good time! You better be back here soon!!!
Posts: 95
Karma: 10
I rock. FUCK YEAH!
FalseTile: I recommend you don't shit talk with 7 posts
SkiBum420: I recommend you don't say that, since his 6 other posts were the best in NS history
Moral of the story: Falsetile sucks gay dick
Posts: 9939
Karma: 15
can i rock?
I'm concussed.
'Why aren't you wearing any pants Joe? - I tripped... and then I had to take them off to run faster out of the flames.'
Silly Rabbits. Pink is for cheese! –stevexs2
you bettter still have my jagermeister shirt, or I'll fucking drive a train through your anus. – jibtech
Posts: 8272
Karma: 9
No. You cannot rock.
'jib_this why are you such an ass? all your posts are dissing someone els (sic)' Krongos
There ain't nothin' like a champagne buzz, but then there ain't nothin' like a champagne hangover.
SFU, still better than UBC
Hi, I'm John, John Bond
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
I know I can
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 9939
Karma: 15
I'm concussed.
'Why aren't you wearing any pants Joe? - I tripped... and then I had to take them off to run faster out of the flames.'
Silly Rabbits. Pink is for cheese! –stevexs2
you bettter still have my jagermeister shirt, or I'll fucking drive a train through your anus. – jibtech
Posts: 3937
Karma: 27
im confused.. what happened man?
Smoking pot leads to uhh... I forget.
What time is it... saturday?
50 nuts in your mothafuckin' mouth
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
when are you coming back up? you better come soon!
Posts: 581
Karma: 15
i do beleive she's returning the 25th in the afternoon. yes, i know you'll be thinking of us when you're suntanning on the beach sipping margaritas.
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
haha I'm talking to you right now silly! OCTOBER FREAKIN 25th!
you are going to be awaay. I could cry.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
come up in november for the first ay of the season!!
or come up this week! i leave on the 23rd. and back on the 1st or 2nd...
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
chhhhyeah of COURSE I'm up for first day of the season!
I'll be there... you can count on it!!!
and your toque will be done! bah ha ha
NIVIS headwear is taking over the world
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 581
Karma: 15
but kristen we aren't allowed to ski that day. :o(
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
why aren't you allowed to ski?
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
staff aren't allowed to ski on the first day of openeing.
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
oh csssssst burn! dood that sucks!
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 3144
Karma: 184
you girls should have a mud wrestling much. I am the ref
Theory3 Focus 2003 -
Posts: 581
Karma: 15
sounds like a plan jeffy.
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
you have to live in BC to be our mud wrestling ref... sorry bud!
hehe... we should have some kind of initiation thing into our ski crew... what do you think girls?
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
haha. wrestling eh... uh....
okay halfpipe comp. jeffy you can judge that.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 2674
Karma: 122
i would have no problems reffing that match for you...none at all.
Have you ever tried creamed corn wrestling>
work to live...not live to work.
work to ski...but only if you ski to work. The simple equation to skibumming 101
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
creamed corn you say? i dunno... why not something tasty...
uh oh amy! halfpipe! i'm no good! mind you i'm not good at anything in the park. shiiiiiiiiit
Posts: 581
Karma: 15
what about like pudding or something?
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
jello? I like jello
OR how bout pink sparky nailpolish- of course you have an abundance of that eh kristen?
or yarn... my room is full of yarn... haha.
then we could pull an Old School and use KY jelly. haha
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
KY jelly... it's official.... HAHAHA
oh goodness. hot pink nail polish. i hate to say it but my fingers and toes are hot pink right now. eek!
Posts: 581
Karma: 15
hhmmm... I think something that tastes yummy would be better. Now we just need to figure something out for the boys to wrestle in... hunny maybe? ya ya, something sticky.
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
yes....... agreed. the guys are wrestling, we judge, and its in honey baby. honey.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
i dunno... i'm not so sure about the guys wresting in honey... would be kinda odd. and i don't like to see guys wrestling, someone always gets hurt...
Posts: 144
Karma: 10
How about, Jello but not just normal jello... Electric Jello and you have to wrestle and then eat it all. Actually that would be really gross...
So when is this all taking place?... I think you girls are all talk!
I'll be the ring girl :)and announce the rounds...
'Rrrrrrrround one. In this corner we have Erica defending featherweight Electirc Jello wresting champion. In this corner we have Kristen the challenger...' DING DING
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
we are neither lovers, nor fighters. I think the word is drinkers. yes...
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 8272
Karma: 9
Yes, drinkers is right. I'm gonna go with this statement:'I, Jib_This, ROCK!'
'jib_this why are you such an ass? all your posts are dissing someone els (sic)' Krongos
Whistler Sucks.
Posts: 3144
Karma: 184
Theory3 Focus 2003 -
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
agreed with amy. definately drinkers.
Posts: 3144
Karma: 184
Very hung over, canot comprhend an answer at the moment
Theory3 Focus 2003 -
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
haha... you silly old drunk
Posts: 2674
Karma: 122
creamed corn is the shit
work to live...not live to work.
work to ski...but only if you ski to work. The simple equation to skibumming 101
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
how do you think of getting in a big thing of creamed corn? i mean i like canned corn and all but... creamed corn?
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
haha buy some cream. then buy some corn. then mix em together. with a big... mixer...
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 2313
Karma: 56
thats kinda funny
keep on keepin' on - Joe Dirt
Posts: 3144
Karma: 184
hhmmm...how bout wrestling naked in the snow.
Theory3 Focus 2003 -
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
that would be a little cold... brrrr...
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
its a tit bit nipply out- we'd breast get some sweaters on.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 1091
Karma: 10
haha... that would be no good. kidding.
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
I love using that line. but yes, its getting old.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
Posts: 14044
Karma: 10,316
last year at work this chick was all like 'it's cold out' while in line and I'm like 'yea, it's a tit bit nipply' she laughed in an uncomfertable kind of way 'cause she wasn't sure if it was funny or just rude...
...so i just hit her kid in the head with a pole.
Darryl Hunt
Jesus doesn't live here.
Posts: 183
Karma: 17
haha, yah lines like thoes are funny if you can slip em in a the right time.
if you wanna wrestle in somthing tasty, and you call yourself drinkers..... how about somthing alcholic?? ameretto perhaps, or somthing along those lines caus beer would be sick.
Posts: 9939
Karma: 15
lines like, 'i hate you you fucking cunt' those kind of subtle uncomfortable ones?
Silly Rabbits. Pink is for cheese! –stevexs2
you bettter still have my jagermeister shirt, or I'll fucking drive a train through your anus. – jibtech
numbers are for jewish investment bankers - sleezemcfly
Somedays I like it crunchy, other days I take it up the ass! - Lanemeyers
Sam Caylor - Famed Fatass, Post Whore, And All Around Slut Bag
All times are Eastern (-5); Currently it's 1:59AM