Before I someone says "Go see a bootfitter", I would very much like too but I live in Spain and the closest one that I know of is a 6 hour drive away, and I'm in university and so its also a big investment, since retail prices are so expensive. So please if you can give me some advice I would appreciate it.
When I started backcountry skiing, I bought a pair Salomon S/Lab MTN 120 2017 27.5mondo (This version was before they had custom Shell HD) second hand for super cheap, they were pretty tight in the toe box so I got them punched out, when I went skiing in the Pyrenees and saw a bootfitter, he didn't really see my feet or anything, one of the workers just took my boots and told the bootfitter to punch them out when I told him I the toebox was too tight, never actually saw the guy, but they skied like a dream, super comfortable, the only issue is that when touring my ankle would occasionally slip and I would sometimes get a blister. Other than that no real complaints.
My feet longer foot is a 28 mondo and my last is a 103-104, I have a low instep, so not the easiest to find ski boots for really and honestly I was planning to making the drive to see a bootfitter after the season ends. However looking online I saw a pair of Dynafit Hoji free 130 for 300 bucks and from what I've read about them they seem to be something that can work for me. I know I should see a bootfitter, but honestly if I can save the cash it would be better. If any adjustments are needed I can always go spend a little more and punch them out, and it would still be a lot cheaper then getting a new boot at a bootfitter.
I've also attached some pictures of my feet, I know its not the same as seeing them and I'm not really sure if its allowed but hopefully someone can give me some advice or help on this.
Thank you!