Replying to 2026 100mm Freeride Ski Comparison
2026 Ski Comparison: Rustler 10, QST 100, M Free 100, Sender Soul 102.
Looking to grab a new pair of skis next season for the west coast. Was on the rustler 10s this season. Loved them in almost all conditions. Felt like they turned in the trees well and could maneuver easily in tight spaces. Good grip when needed and very versatile off trail. Skied QST 98s in the past. Those felt a little more directional when carving, but not as "flickable" on tight turns and moguls. Also, a little less flexible on large moguls. I ride a tall ski 180-190 (I'm 6'4", 190lbs) and having a ski that is mobile and flexible tips help navigate tall, tight moguls because of ski length. Prefer a lighter swing weight. I love a playful ski and enjoy taking my routes off trail the majority of time. I like groomers, but mostly enjoy steering off the unbeaten path. This is a tough comparison given some of these have just been released, but anyone that has any insight on characteristics would be helpful in narrowing down some demo options. Feel free to recommend anything now listed!
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