However in addition to the main traverse/bootpack ("clean line") there is a lower traverse leading to a sketchier and more icy bootpack ("dirty line") that goes to the same spot. When the rope drops at the top it is possible to whip past all the gapers relearning how to walk on the clean line and take the dirty line bootpack. As far as I can tell patrol does not care and will not interfere with people using the dirty line.
This has lead to a number of situations where people who waited an hour or so on the clean line will go complete apeshit on the dirty line traversers below them. Like hitting them with poles and trying to shove them and shit.
I'm wondering what ppl here think. I can kind of see both sides, obviously wack to see someone mach past you after waiting in line. but also why not just split to the dirty line yourself if it's so much faster (skill issue?)