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I have been skiing for 10 years, but have been taking it a lot more seriously over the past 3. I'm 16, and recently I've really wanted to get more into the park. Every year I've got the same old season rental skis that get the job done, but are terrible in powder and the park. I can still do rails, 180, and some easy grabs. I've told my parents I've wanted my own set of skis that can rip the park and moguls/steeps but they've always told me my rentals are just fine. I ski pretty much every weekend. Anyways I just got back from an argument with them about getting my own skis. I want to get a pair of Atomic Bent 90s, as I have demo'd them and LOVED them. Issue is, my parents said no, and want me to wait until next year - But I want to take the park more serious and using Stiff and Skinny rental skis won't let me do that. Right now they are on sale (as they are the 2024 model) and at a very reasonable price, and I have offered to pay for them as I earned plenty of money from my job that can handle a purchase like this. Still, they say no, and so I am just debating on whether I should just pull the trigger and spend about 500$ for the skis, some marker squire bindings, and mounting service, or listen to them. I feel like they just don't understand. Any advice is appreciated.
Parents can be slow to come around on stuff like this maybe you can figure out the specific reasons why they are saying no and address those concerns. Maybe there’s something else that money was supposed to be for or some reason initially.
So you have to rent every time? Do the math and figure out how many rentals it takes to buy skis. Do your parents have a friend that skis? Go impress your parents skier friend with your math skills. They will be impressed and tell your parents they should buy the little professor some skis. Potentially you will get the skis your dad’s friend picked out and not whatever ski was top on your list but at least you will have skis and they will be better than renting.
Yeah this is super relatable. The shitty reality is there's no good option.
- The angle that very rarely, but sometimes works is this: You're spending 50 bucks every time you ski on bad rental equipment. You could spend a few hundred bucks and ski good equipment for a while, then sell it used. At the end of the day, you spent same amount of money, but you at least had good equipment.
- You can go ahead and get the skis yourself, and just deal with the fight you caused. You get the skis but you have a lot of BS to deal with. Parents might also retaliate and throw them away or break them, and you're out a lot of money and the skis.
- You can sabotage the situation. Pretend the rental equipment made you crash and the good equipment would have been safer. Parents hate seeing their kids get hurt. This can easily be flipped on you though, you might not be allowed to ski anymore. I don't recommend this except as a last resort.
- You can combine 2 and 3, pretend the rentals keep making you crash so you bought park skis (maybe because they're safer?). Again, last resort, I don't recommend this immediately.
- You can go fast as fuck down the steepest run at your hill, then pop to switch and actually crash to prove your point. Might never be allowed to go skiing again tho, and you might get smoked.
- You can keep skiing rentals. Which sucks.
Sorry boss. Been through this bullshit song and dance more times than I can count. I get it.
Additional option, public shaming. Get all your friends to make fun of your rentals and start bugging your parents to let you buy the skis. Wear them down over time.
That is really sad man, but I can say you want parents as an ally, not an enemy. It is hard to understand their logic, especially when it is your money, but my maybe unconventional advice? Show them this thread. It really shows how concerned you are, you fought your case well, and I feel for you. There are a lot of good responses from people who are skiers and are trying to support you. Show them how torn you are and that you have logic on your side, money to support yourself, and it is not a stupid thing you want to get yourself into. Also to show them you have thought of it a lot, research the cost of tuning, and make a plan of how often you want to tune and the future cost. Or look up tutorials on how to tune, and research the cost of your own iron/wax, and be ready with the pros/cons of those two options. Look up the bindings you want, why you want them, and their cost + mounting cost. Show you are forward thinking and not a brash dumb 16 year old. But keep them on your side, that is my biggest piece of advice, no matter how dumb you may think it is. Best of luck, and keep us updated.
I’ll sell you some of my k2 poachers I had last year with squire bindings perfect condition no core shots or edge cracks for like 200. I think there 163
EvancantspinI’ll sell you some of my k2 poachers I had last year with squire bindings perfect condition no core shots or edge cracks for like 200. I think there 163
If he doesn't want them I got a friend that might, put OP first though.
Are your parents paying for the rentals? If so, break them. Every time you get a rental, snap a tail or rip out the binding. Use tools if necessary. The rental shop will charge your parents for the damaged skis. Be sure to tell your parents that you were just skiing normally and make them think that maybe you are too strong or good for rental skis. Then your parents will think "we can either spend $500 on rentals plus another $1,000 in the damages or my sweet boy can use his own money to buy his own skis that will last much longer then the rentals.
What about Vokl Revolt 96s? They're pretty cheap almost everywhere, even at my local shop. Only thing is I heard they're pretty heavy so I'm not sure if that would be great for me to progress on. Any recommendations for a setup I could get for below 500 or 600 dollars if they are really nice park/all mtn ski?
d.cap_skisI have looked into ARVs, but none are really at a good price where I can afford them.
buy last years arv (sick design btw) on evo and they go for around 300 depending the width (wider = more money usually)
then if you buy bindings from the shop, they usually will mount it for free.
Best way to get your parents to change their minds is for you to just pull the trigger and not even ask them. This is how I got GTA 5 when I was 15 and dealt with those “not till 17” parents. I just went ahead and bought it, played a bunch and told the fam, hey I did this. From then on, I did this shit with so many other things. At some point, your caretakers need to learn that they cant walk all over you…. Granted they’ll want you to change their diapers once they turn 95.
flat0buy last years arv (sick design btw) on evo and they go for around 300 depending the width (wider = more money usually)
then if you buy bindings from the shop, they usually will mount it for free.
This sounds like a really good idea honestly, sounds like the ARV's are superrrr sick anywhere you rip them.
SmokedGoudaBest way to get your parents to change their minds is for you to just pull the trigger and not even ask them. This is how I got GTA 5 when I was 15 and dealt with those “not till 17” parents. I just went ahead and bought it, played a bunch and told the fam, hey I did this. From then on, I did this shit with so many other things. At some point, your caretakers need to learn that they cant walk all over you…. Granted they’ll want you to change their diapers once they turn 95.
i managed to convince my parents to buy me GTA 5, then 13 y/o, by saying there was a parental control mode with swearing and nudity turned off, but were apparently fine with all the gratuitous violence. in hindsight, i don't think they actually fell for it, but just thought it was funny to let me win
Ive been in this situation and basically what persuaded my parents to allow me to buy skis is that I explained that if I am to continue to use rentals (especially ones with low dins, shitty stability, etc.) its likely I will sustain some type of injury. Also I would explain that renting skis for 150$ for 3 seasons is 450 but buying a setup for 500$ or 600$ and using it for longer you ultimately save a bit. Wishing you the best of luck - it sucks when parents won't allow you to spend your own money
bch.skisIve been in this situation and basically what persuaded my parents to allow me to buy skis is that I explained that if I am to continue to use rentals (especially ones with low dins, shitty stability, etc.) its likely I will sustain some type of injury. Also I would explain that renting skis for 150$ for 3 seasons is 450 but buying a setup for 500$ or 600$ and using it for longer you ultimately save a bit. Wishing you the best of luck - it sucks when parents won't allow you to spend your own money
**UPDATE** I finally pulled the trigger and got a pair of 2024 ARV 94's for about 400 bucks and found some demo tyrolia attacks that can be adjusted to fit many boot sizes for sub-$200. I did not tell my parents, as I have confidently decided that this is my own decision with money I earned through hard work. I am beyond stoked to finally get my own pair and I would like to thank everyone for their advice!
d.cap_skis**UPDATE** I finally pulled the trigger and got a pair of 2024 ARV 94's for about 400 bucks and found some demo tyrolia attacks that can be adjusted to fit many boot sizes for sub-$200. I did not tell my parents, as I have confidently decided that this is my own decision with money I earned through hard work. I am beyond stoked to finally get my own pair and I would like to thank everyone for their advice!
Can we please get a video of your parents finding out would be so funny 🙏🙏. Little hidden camera action just like cudddle the skis on the couch or some shit they walk in. “Son I said you were to get Vishnu 189 wets or rental skis no in betweens, you have to do 50 Lb2 by next week if you want to keep them!!‼️‼️”
EvancantspinCan we please get a video of your parents finding out would be so funny 🙏🙏. Little hidden camera action just like cudddle the skis on the couch or some shit they walk in. “Son I said you were to get Vishnu 189 wets or rental skis no in betweens, you have to do 50 Lb2 by next week if you want to keep them!!‼️‼️”
Keep in mind you will also need to buy bindings and pay for a mount. so you could be looking at $700-850 all said and done. maybe there are some used options out there as a compromise?
Rock_InhabitantIf it’s your money that you earned then you can buy them if you choose to. If you think it’s worth the 500 then you should do it
Pretty much this. Taking actions for yourself is the first step to becoming an adult. If your parents still decide you purchasing power, you may have disfunctional parents…