SlushSeasonI haven't skied there, but i got the feeling the terrain is pretty mellow all across the region. Bulgaria is a cheap place to ski and from the videos I've seen, you'll get great value, but not a lot of big mountain terrain.
Slovenia might be the closest to what you're looking for. Since they're attached to the alps there might be more steep skiing available. They wouldn't be happy about being considered Balkan, but it's former Yogoslavia so I'll count it. Prices will probably be a lot higher than Bulgaria though.
I'd probably plan the trip as a cheap party vacation and not worry too much about the skiing quality. Enjoy the Rakia and Laško!
Nah man the terrain is pretty buck from what I saw in the fall hiking a few years ago. Went to every country except Macedonia/kosovo . Big ahh mountains. Slovenjia is Balkan asf btw