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MaxDosSkiingI started riding park about a year ago, I am 15 years old. I feel like I always see people way younger than me, that are way better, and most good skiers started pretty young. Am I too old?
MaxDosSkiingI started riding park about a year ago, I am 15 years old. I feel like I always see people way younger than me, that are way better, and most good skiers started pretty young. Am I too old?
supremeblienteleUr washed bro, 15 is way too old to try anything new. Just hang it up and wait for ur social security to kick in
MaxDosSkiingI started riding park about a year ago, I am 15 years old. I feel like I always see people way younger than me, that are way better, and most good skiers started pretty young. Am I too old?
MaxDosSkiingI started riding park about a year ago, I am 15 years old. I feel like I always see people way younger than me, that are way better, and most good skiers started pretty young. Am I too old?
Rock_InhabitantDepends cause some kids get a really early start and tons of money for an academy etc. but just fuck around. You can get really good at skiing really fast if you just spend your time wisely. You can take this to an extreme but honestly if you spend 2 days a week skiing and actually progressing, plus training in the week with tramp or weights or whatever’s best, then you’ll be good. Also all these fucking 10 year olds on parent run instagram accounts throwing cork 9s piss me off more than they should but it’s prolly best just to ignore them and pretend they don’t exist lol.
HenrySoBasedsaw a 7-9 yr old girl throw a 180 into almost the next jumps take off, prolly about 10-15 farther then where your supposed to land, yardsale, and get right back up and hit 2 out on a cannon
Rock_InhabitantNah as far as I’m concerned that kid doesn’t exist
HenrySoBasedthank god for you forgot I cant have my own fucking experiences like deadass some of yall are really dumb as shit
Ethan99age is just a number
Rock_InhabitantWhat the fuck are you waffling about bro
Rock_InhabitantDepends cause some kids get a really early start and tons of money for an academy etc. but just fuck around. You can get really good at skiing really fast if you just spend your time wisely. You can take this to an extreme but honestly if you spend 2 days a week skiing and actually progressing, plus training in the week with tramp or weights or whatever’s best, then you’ll be good. Also all these fucking 10 year olds on parent run instagram accounts throwing cork 9s piss me off more than they should but it’s prolly best just to ignore them and pretend they don’t exist lol.
MaxDosSkiingI started riding park about a year ago, I am 15 years old. I feel like I always see people way younger than me, that are way better, and most good skiers started pretty young. Am I too old?
hylandistits those like 9 year olds who go to school at like wyeast academy
CalumSKIno bruh wtf u are a legal child
get out there and get those tricks
can't get any better if all you think about is how "you're too old to learn"
look at @oldmanski and @DominatorJacques those guys rip
X_MEMESWERVE_XXlmfaooooo what.
I mean I started park at 14 but never really tried and was just in it for the scene, filming my good homies, cool gear and videos and maybe sliding a rail once a session, became a carvy and big mountain head for a while, then went back to being a park "poser", learned 180's and how to slide more than a flat ride on, then went back to being a big mountain guy, and finally, at 23 started to ACTUALLY try in the park, now here I am at 25, having the best season of my life and have progressed more in the past 2 years than my entire history of skiing.
you're never to old to learn, especially not as an actual child.
its a mental game
DominatorJacquesI'm kinda out of shape here, but still "Workin' It!" on dull edges!
Rock_InhabitantThis is sick man. Keep on workin it