$5,500 in new hampshire. just needs a wrap and a rail :)
theabortionatorYou need a conversation piece for rallies
Hah yeah back then we *almost* bought it in exchange for an ad package. Frankly, what happened was I fucking wimped out of the deal. I was like raising kids and shit and was too worried about accidentally ending up with a fucking rail limo in my driveway which my Ex-wife (Wife at the time) would have never been OK with.
@Troy. Was ready to stick that shit in his Colledge dorm parking lot and just send it with an event tour. He was ready, I was the problem. I have regrets.
THat thing though the mechanics are probably fucked. I was even more disheartened when I saw it show up as "The Trumpinator" which is just fucking stupid no matter what your political position is. What a waste.
Personally, I want to look at the idea of a Newschoolers Mobile. However, I'm thinking like a Diesel E-250 4X4 with the super extended body. Make it like a troop transport to take my kids and other people up to the mountains here. Maybe tow a little warm up trailer or something. Park it in the Avila Parking lot near the Park Chair. Could have a rail, could have event tie-in if we started to do something like a tour one of these days.
We're still kind of taking it all in right now. First goal was to simply survive the first year of independence, which was matched with a shitty advertising year because last year was a shit snow year and brands are broke. It happens, did in the past too, always ebbs and flows with a winter sport.
I've also been dealing with a ton of life issues lately which has frankly had be basically contribute jack shit to the team. Somehow they haven't kicked me out yet, lol. Really though this means that the team is running on super thin resources so we aren't putting any crazy shit out into the world just yet. I really want to grow this though, and have really missed being involved in the ski world. Personally, I want to focus on how we get more of the younger generation into it. Younger than we usually hit though, Newschoolers always kicked in for people more around like 13-15. Something has to be done to attract the 6-12 skiers... which basically means something their parents can stuff them into other than babysitting. Racing, Classic Freestyle, Swimming, whatever all has shit like this but Newschool Freestyle is seriously lacking.
Anyway... Kind of a rant. Love the idea though. I never got to slide the Smith Limo, but holy hell would I love to. Also always loved when we would run or partner with smaller event tours. Those are the kind of things that get people into it, give back to the sport and are a whole hell a lot of fun.