10 days ago my upper back started hurting like crazy when i went jumping on a trampoline (pain started on the first jump on the tramp, since the injury is probably related to cold weather and cold water). I had stretched before and had another training, so i was very warmed up . After that I could move my neck and shoulders but it hurt a lot, putting on clothes and raising my arms hurt a lot. I went to a neurologist, who said basically nothing and that if the pain doesnt go away in 5-6 days i should go back. Took a break and returned to tramping 2 days ago, since it hurt A LOT less and only on the right (right shoulder blade and neck). Also it doesnt really hurt when i have my arms close to my body, but landing sucks a lot. Pain was still there while jumping, but it wasnt becoming worse. So I decided to go yesterday too, same thing. Right now it hurts slightly more than before yesterdays tramp session, but not even close to the pain 10 days ago. I dont think physical activity injures me more, the doctor also said its probably because i got cold and its not a pinched nerve in the neck. Still its some minor spinal injury.
Going skiing this weekend and wondering if i should be more careful, since snow is harder than trampoline and i presume it will hurt more when landing or am i right that the pain doesnt get worse with physical activity? Has anyone dealt with this kind of thing?
**This thread was edited on Dec 12th 2024 at 10:28:49am