I’ve been dealing with chondromalacia patella (damage to cartilage under knee cap) since last spring. Pain started after a minor knee cap subluxation, no swelling of the knee and mri showed all ligaments looked intact.
I’ve been doing allot of biking / PT to help recover from it and can MTB, hike, and hit the tramp without pain. It feels about 85% recovered, but with ski season starting it’s not quite recovered enough to ski like it want. Pain flared up last week after 3 days of hard skiing.
Just wondering if you or anyone you know has had experience with this sort of injury and if / how they recovered from it? I know cartilage can’t repair its self but I know damage cartilage can become asymptomatic overtime in some cases.
Haven’t had many issues with my knees in the past, but this one seems hard to come back from and hoping I can keep skiing for a couple more years as I’m only 22.
Wish you all strong and healthy knees 🙏