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TOAST.That is an absurd take if you value democracy at all. Stability in leadership while being invaded is important, but if you are doing a good job and the public agrees with you, there should be no issue getting reelected.
How can you justify dissolving political parties and news outlets?
Don't know how their constitution works in Ukraine but if that happened in the US I know I would be very against it.
**This post was edited on Mar 4th 2025 at 12:34:34pm
SSteezle2024 Presidential Election thread- Trump Won in a decisive victory /thread.
SSteezle2024 Presidential Election thread- Trump Won in a decisive victory /thread.
SSteezle2024 Presidential Election thread- Trump Won in a decisive victory /thread.
PartyBullshiitYet in nearly every current pole the majority of people disapprove of him and the job he’s doing. So you’re now the minority. Majority of the country have buyers remorse.
TOAST.That is an absurd take if you value democracy at all. Stability in leadership while being invaded is important, but if you are doing a good job and the public agrees with you, there should be no issue getting reelected.
How can you justify dissolving political parties and news outlets?
Don't know how their constitution works in Ukraine but if that happened in the US I know I would be very against it.
**This post was edited on Mar 4th 2025 at 12:34:34pm
.MASSHOLE.Second smallest popular vote win in modern history (just 1.48%). Only beaten by JFK in 1960 (0.17%).
snowfinderIt's a very American take because Franklin D. Roosevelt remained in office for four terms because of WW2. #knowyourhistory
Sno.It just occurred to me— is that why Trump is driving us into war? To justify additional terms?
Sno.It just occurred to me— is that why Trump is driving us into war? To justify additional terms?
VTshredder69the fuck are you talking about.
profa_212Trump has now spent 35% of his presidency golfing and 20 million dollars (embezzling) taxpayer dollars into his own resorts.
Each time he golfs it costs an average of 3.4 million dollars. Thats well over a very conservative 35 jobs. Maybe we should cut golf no?
How about the 15 million to go to HALF of a superbowl? Or the multiple millions of dollars he spent to go to Daytona?
2 months. A conservative 40ish million dollars blown. Dont give me bullshit about saving money. at this spending rate he will spend nearly a billion dollars on not doing his job.
If he golfs as much as he did his first term, he will spend over a billion dollars of your taxpayer money, funneled straight into his own company.
Fuck off
Jemsi wouldn’t say trumps driving us into war he’s just eroding the relationships with our greatest allies
VTshredder6935% of his presidency golfing? So he spends 8.5 hours 7 days a week on the golf course?
Might be the dumbest thing i'v ever heard.
snowfinderReally don't like engaging with you because you are a worthless troll , but...
VTshredder69That's nowhere near to 35% of his time golfing. Even if the liberal media is biased they clearly can't do math.
VTshredder69That's nowhere near to 35% of his time golfing. Even if the liberal media is biased they clearly can't do math.
profa_212If you knew to read, that is from his first presidency, which is what I based the second calculations on.
VTshredder69If you played golf, you'd know there is no possible way hes played 8.5 hours of golf a day. In his shape it's not physically possible to play 36 holes every single day.
Try to come up with some real stats before you spew BS
VTshredder69If you played golf, you'd know there is no possible way hes played 8.5 hours of golf a day. In his shape it's not physically possible to play 36 holes every single day.
Try to come up with some real stats before you spew BS
VTshredder69If you played golf, you'd know there is no possible way hes played 8.5 hours of golf a day. In his shape it's not physically possible to play 36 holes every single day.
Try to come up with some real stats before you spew BS
SteezyYeeterwait how does him golfing cost taxpayers millions? im not being argumentative just like where is that money going
Sno.Air Force one, armored vehicles, motorcade and secret service I would imagine.
SteezyYeeterwait how does him golfing cost taxpayers millions? im not being argumentative just like where is that money going
SSteezle$25? How about a paycheck atleast.
SSteezleSo you spent more on your coffee at starbucks this week than you were willing to donate Ukraine, noted.
Sno.We’re actually broke right now. So, nice assumption, but false.
Sno.Air Force one, armored vehicles, motorcade and secret service I would imagine.
The referenced post has been removed.
profa_212telling someone to kill themselves is unhinged dude. What the fuck
No way this isnt a ban right? This is actually fucked up dude. If its not you probably need one dude jesus
eheathIf its someone first offense we'd just delete and warn, but that dude has been banned before for similar behavior and we do not condone that sort of bullshit on NS. Plenty of other ways to attempt to insult others, telling them to kill themselves is out of pocket.
profa_212telling someone to kill themselves is unhinged dude. What the fuck
No way this isnt a ban right? This is actually fucked up dude. If its not you probably need one dude jesus
snowfinderIt's a very American take because Franklin D. Roosevelt remained in office for four terms because of WW2. #knowyourhistory
TOAST.He was elected to 4 terms if I remember correctly so pretty different. 22nd amendment didn't exist yet. Anyway we weren't occupied so not a great comparison anyway.
I get that holding a fair election during wartime would be difficult, more concerned about that on top of dissolving political parties and news outlets which I admittedly didn't look into much.
But believe me if a country invaded us between now and 2028 I would sure as shit want to have the election.
profa_212This actually kinda made me laugh lmao
Stepping you're game up I dig it lmaoo
PartyBullshiitWell I think the issue is more about who can vote or not. How to do have a fair election if a portion of your country can’t get to the polls?
if Mexico invaded us and the southern states couldn’t vote is that really a fair election?
VTshredder69If you played golf, you'd know there is no possible way hes played 8.5 hours of golf a day. In his shape it's not physically possible to play 36 holes every single day.
Try to come up with some real stats before you spew BS
Sno.So what’s the drinking game during the address tonight? Take a shot every time you want to punch the screen?