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EvanMeyerI’m just enjoying watching Ahmet melt on his IG stories again.
EvanMeyerI’m just enjoying watching Ahmet melt on his IG stories again.
GSRWhen do the early votes get counted?
VTshredder69Bitcoin skyrocketing
VTshredder69Bitcoin skyrocketing
-eREKTion-As a certified republican Trump-hater, I’m pumped. 4 more years then he can fuck off for good. We just need a competent and articulate successor to save the right wing movement. A Trump figure who isn’t retarded, doesn’t say racist things, and is pro-abortion. That would be damn near unbeatable.
VTshredder69Sounds like Vance
-eREKTion-Vance is pro-life and a fake ass Marine, so whack as fuck.
VTshredder69What constitutes a fake marine? My body my choice... unless it covid right?
-eREKTion-If you’re a “marine” who spent 4 years in a public affairs shop in the air wing… might not be a real Devil Dog. I hate POG’s.
LonelySoo...wisconsin? Are they going to be the decider?
VTshredder69I'm guessing graduating from Yale isn't special either for you?
VTshredder69Fox news has called it for trump. I'm sure there is no bias invovled
LonelyDid they actually? I'm just watching the AP. map Going to go check
VTshredder69I'm seeing Trump ahead in every single battle state too.
LonelyI'm just trying to find where fox called Wisconsin for trump because that's big if true
VTshredder69Maybe they didn't call it yet - but they have him up over 2 points
GrapeHunterBring Back MilfHunter 2024, TRUMP WILL SAVE US!
_Garagely_Trump wins, senate flips. Ohio flipped and Tester is going down, republicans concede Arizona.
I just want people in this administration to pay for the way they impacted my life with their arrogance and overreach.
VTshredder69America has spoken. Are you speaking of the Biden admin impacting your life?
_Garagely_Yep. Fucking covid mandates.
VTshredder69Agreed. In NYC I couldn't enter restaurants / bars or sporting events because I chose "My body my choice" over experiemental gene therapy.
_Garagely_It had material career implications for me. Coming out of school, I had to pivot on a dime and wound up in a place I have no interest in being and now I have to figure out how to get out of here. 3 years in my 20s. Still stared my career despite all the bullshit
VTshredder69I paid that asshole 500$ when BIden won and he probably used it to on drugs.
hi_vis360Borderline funny how bad the democrats fucked this one up. Didn’t hold a primary and tried to run a dementia patient, abandoned the anti war movement, fucked up the border and then tried to fix it last minute when they realized people weren’t happy, and overall just tried to appeal to a moderate voter base that doesn’t actually exist lol. They’re a failure of a party, stoked I will have an independent who loves local ag representing me in the state senate and an independent senator
snowfinderI think it's more the fact that many Americans are sexiest, raciest, lack of moral compass, and love violence and wanted someone like them to represent them, Trump. I might get in trouble in a few months for saying those things about the supreme leader.