NSCrip69I live in Utah. Which means there’s experienced ski shops on every corner of every street here. Every shop owner and tech I’ve talked to has mentioned that about not using the lower end of the DIN range. I’ve also emailed Rossignol directly about this and they confirmed.
and this kid has mentioned the price difference in every single post he’s made. Clearly price is an issue for him otherwise he wouldn’t have made this post in the first place or mention price in every single comment. Pretty clear that he is price conscious so I pointed him to the right direction which would be the attack 14. (Which isn’t the lowest quality considering it’s got the lowest stack height and lowest weight, and more convenient to step into)
you also don’t know his height or BSL, so making any sort of DIN advice for him is dangerous and negligent on your part. A 6 DIN could be perfectly fine for the right person, and dangerous for another, and you can’t know unless you have all the facts. All you know is his weight which is only one part of the DIN equation.
**This post was edited on Oct 26th 2024 at 12:40:45am
**This post was edited on Oct 26th 2024 at 12:41:52am
Absolutely no binding companies say you cannot ski their bindings on the lowest or highest settings. By all means please show me one company that has anything like that posted in their manuals or websites. You can’t because it doesn’t exist. You didn’t contact rossignol because they wouldn’t confirm something that isn’t true.
using your logic bindings wouldn’t have settings. They’d all be single set and you’d have to ski your exact number or else it wouldn’t be safe. That’s nonsense and no matter how much you try and make up stuff like you always do it doesn’t make it true.
The only thing about price he’s mentioned is he getting a hook up on price. Not that he can’t afford something. Again stop just making stuff up. If he’s getting a hook up there is absolutely no reason to be recommending a cheaper inferior attack binding over a proven much higher quality pivot 15
you only keep recommending attacks because its what you’re obsessed. You’ve been corrected in every thread you continue to spout the same nonsense with every post. Attacks are fine and well and you can love them all you want but they are not the best. They’ve never been the best and the fact you keep trying to argue that they’re better than all metal pivots continues to show how absolutely stupid you are.
Lowest stack height, low weight and easy step doesn’t equal quality. Those are features. In no world is a plastic binding, let alone the cheaper 14 model higher quality than an all metal binding. Period. No matter how much you try to argue it.
I didn’t assume anything about his din. I gave him a din calculator and let him input his own data. He said he got 6. Unlike you I’ve actually been reading his post and seeing what he says. If he was planning to ride slow and leisurely a 6 would be absolutely fine. That’s not his intended type of skiing or use. He wants to ride park in which case a 6 isn’t going to cut it for him. He will get ejected fairly quick especially as his skill progresses. Which is why he would likely need to raise his din with trial and error. Which is exactly what I said. And guess what would happen when he ends up at a 7 or 8 on a pivot 15…….. you guessed it he’d be right in the middle of the adjustment range
you love to act like you actually know what you’re talking about but reality is your a 15 KID. Stop acting like you’re some veteran skier who’s well versed in the industry. You’re not. Did you forgot you came to this site asking about where you need to mount your skis because you had no idea. Or asking why skiing attacks switch breaks them? Or making burner accounts pretending to be in the industry and getting caught lying? No one else forgot.
there’s a reason your karma is so horrible. Because you just spout non sense opinions as facts. You just blatantly make up stuff to try and sound smart when you’re anything but.
you love attacks, cool. Just say that. You want to ride a 14 binding. Cool. Just own that. Stop trying to tell everyone else because you like some product that it’s the absolute best and that everyone and their mother should be using it. You went on for ages about Colby Steven’s using attack 14’s. Except he doesn’t use attack 14’s. He uses attack 17’s. Which is a different, heavier, higher quality binding with more metal.
we get it. Your a little 15yo boy and you are super small so all your worried about is weight. Congrats. Go to the gym and work out so you’ll stop crying about needing all your gear to be light weight.