Sorry for the wall of text :)
So I have an appointment to a rather reputable bootfitter (blacksheepsports in Munich) in a month, which will be my first real bootfitter appointment, and I'm kinda nervous tbh. Will be there for 2 days, so my time with a bootfitter is rather limited.
Just out of curiosity, I went to a local “mass shop” to do a scan of my feet (the same shop that sold me 2 years ago Atomic Hawx Prime in 27.5).
As far as I understood, the scan says that I should rather ski in a 26.5. So one should not trust “mass shop” consultants since they may oversize your for an “in-store” comfort?
What does the breit (width) of 106 and 109mm mean? Because usually ski boots are marketed as 99-104mm widths, and I’ve skied 2 seasons in a 101mm Hawx Prime which were even a bit too wide for me (maybe because the aging liner), and a couple of times in 99mm Il Moros with almost no pressure points/numbness.
In the middle there is a depiction of my (I assume) instep (Gewölbe), and I have no idea what to make of it, but the shop also sold me the “low arch” Sidas sole (although I always though that I have the regular arch). So, again, one shouldn’t trust “mass shop” consultants?
Regarding the bootfitter appointment, there are various services/options which require their own appointments, such as: pressure point thingy, custom insoles, custom footbeds/bootboards, canting, etc. So, Which of the options/service should I absolutely take, and which any O.K.-ish bootfitter can do (since the time is limited).
Many Thanks!
@onenerdykid @tomPietrowski