Replying to Poles with purpose
I’m always trying to figure out how to be more steezy, so I usually do whatever newschoolers says is cool without questioning it. But for some reason, I can’t wrap my head around this “long poles steezy” mindset.
Poles are a tool, and they are very useful for skiing moguls, pole planting, and getting around on flat ground. All of these things are made better by using poles that are the proper size, allowing you to make contact with the ground easily in an ergonomic position. Poles serve almost no purpose in the park, and are often a hinderance. Yet it is steezy to ski in the park (something where poles are almost useless) with poles that are too long to do the things that poles are actually useful for?
I’ve been seeing a lot of videos, amateur and pro alike, where the skiers are using poles that are way too big for them. Although they are often very steezy, I wonder how steezy they could be if they were spending less energy trying to maneuver their poles around and avoid getting them stuck in the ground while landing. The word steeze is a combination of the words style and ease. Making things harder for yourself by using equipment that is disproportionately long compared to your body is neither stylish nor easy, it is goofy and cumbersome, or “goombersome”
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day!
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