Just when you thought your eyes were safe... ON3P’s Worst Topsheet Ever Contest is BACK, and bad as ever for 2024 - we're gonna be all up in the @Newschoolers forums all summer long, so get ready to lower the bar (again).
If you're new here, this is how YOU can have a shot at the latest and greatest Turdshow in all of skiing: it is a Best / Worst that we are looking for - a truly hideous concept, designed exceptionally well.
The GrizzlyCorn is forever a perfect case-in-point: the 2014 winner ( @chad.mckenna ) was so awfully awesome, we received too many direct requests that we couldn't not build it. It was redesigned for production, adopted into early versions of our Custom Builder, and somehow remains one of our best selling customs to-date.
We're fully aware what you, the internet-forum goblin horde, are capable of - it's as hilariously genius as it is moronically foul. We love you like the idiot siblings we never had, so just like the art on your parents' fridge, the good, the bad, and the ugly will all be posted the same (it's a forum after all). Such as in life, some of your idiot siblings will be loved and awarded more than others too - we can't give you the hugs that your parents didn't, but we can give away three (3) pairs of custom skis with YOUR terrible topsheets:
-People's Choice
-Staff Pick (NS + ON3P Factory voting panel)
-Voter Raffle
PLEASE READ THE RULES CAREFULLY IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A SERIOUS SHOT. Every year we have several entries that have to be disqualified for one reason or another. This tragedy can be averted by possessing a 3rd-grade reading level and basic human decency - we shouldn’t have to say this, but any racist, homophobic, or sexist content will be immediately disqualified. The contest is open for submissions via THIS THREAD until JULY 11, 2024. Anything deemed too offensive will be deleted, and if you really go too far, the mods might even ban you too. Keep it within the realm of acceptability - it’s really not that hard.
We’ll be choosing our top 5 finalists to take part in the voting round, and then you’ll have 7 days (7/13-7/20) to gather as many votes as possible from the vile validity of your art. First pair of customs will go to a lucky winner of the Voter's Raffle. For the other two pairs, we'll be picking our personal favorite for Staff Pick, and the internet at-large will decide on Fan Favorite - if and ONLY IF those two are the same entry, then the winner will be able to pick a custom ski of their own from the lineup in addition to their own Worst Topsheet. It’s never happened because chaos reigns supreme in years’ past, but you never know…
1. Download blank template (linked below)
2. Fill blank template with "art"
3. Possess or create a newschoolers.com username - https://www.newschoolers.com/register
4. Submit and attach entry within this thread via "Choose Files" button
CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL RULES: https://shop.on3pskis.com/pages/worst-topsheet-ever-terms-conditons
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD BLANK SKI TEMPLATE: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/v2khxddgrsfkatetrjvv4/h?dl=0&rlkey=pkebghtfhxst4g1etcex4rm09
With that, we cordially invite you to do your Worst.
💚 ON3P