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OregonDeadIs there a gold top can conspiracy? Did you get gold or silver in your latest 30 pack? @theabortionator do they even have Rainer in California?
There is a conspiracy!! I bought to cases of gold tops at the right aid in Silverton. Sadly they are gone.
I believe you can at beverage places but not otherwise. Wild to go from living off Rainiers to not even seeing them. I think the silver tops might be brewed in CA
Honestly having a weird crisis fearing these are the best days and it only goes downhill from here. Daughters are still very young and sweet, money and body pains are no issue, I can still do some park, wife is too sexy.
going to a friends sisters funeral next week… up to this point I’ve never lost anybody close unexpectedly—just grandparents who lived a long life etc, but I fear a deluge is coming on. And in past money can always make you happier but I worry I’ve peaked and will have to find a different old fashioned way to comfort myself (family is great now but at some point they will be less chill)
Things are good. Our ski gear just arrived due to a relocation for work and things are falling into place. Life has been upside down the past few months.
I’ve picked up piano as a new hobby which has been nice, hoping to get some skiing in this year after not going last year. I started doing 4 on 4 off roster and it sucked the soul out of me
im 28 so im sorry for posting in here. lifes good right now, house foundation just got put in, making 6 figures, still shredding when i can ( went the last 4 weekends LFG) wishing every other oldman on here a very prosperous year
Ngl 30+ is great, not as tough as I once was in the 20s but the income and life experience makes up for it. I miss the good ole hit the bar every weekend days but you find new pleasures in life.
Definitely had to make some lifestyle adjustments that I would have been bummed about in my early 20s, (not drinking, not skating as much, or skiing as hard as I used to) but really happy with where I am now and finding other ways to find purpose and identity.
Life is good, I got a stable job that I like earlier this year. Gonna hit the goal of 60 ski days this weekend. A couple resorts opened back up after a foot of snow this week. I'm in probably the best shape of my life.
living off Rainiers [/quote]
I’ve been putting Rainier in my pancakes. Just replace the milk with beer and it turns out great. Last time I realized I even forgot the oil and they were still awesome
My two year old had a bilateral ear infection so I took work off to take her to the doctor to get antibiotics and two days later she had a reaction to the meds and spent the entire day Wednesday throwing up all over everything. Yeah I would say it’s going pretty well tbh
CaseyMy two year old had a bilateral ear infection so I took work off to take her to the doctor to get antibiotics and two days later she had a reaction to the meds and spent the entire day Wednesday throwing up all over everything. Yeah I would say it’s going pretty well tbh
Hope she is feeling better and sounds like you're doing it right!
Looking back at my 20s, they were stupidly reckless, I had some shit handed to me which was well out of my control, but also made some idiotic decisions.
Out of my 6 closest friends friends, 2 are married, 2 are engaged, 1 is engaged and has a child, and the other is in a long term relationship too. They all have mortgages, good jobs and are basically setup for life. Over the course of my 20s my life has essentially gone down a completely opposite path.
Personally, I knew something drastic had to change. So I took a massive leap of faith earlier this year by quitting my amazing job in the UK and moving back out to Canada. So far it's going... okay, for lack of a better word. Hopefully will turn out to be the best decision I'll ever make and my 30s will turn out to be hugely more rewarding and successful than my 20s in so many ways!
Hit 30 a few days ago & just started skiing in December. Being from where I'm from skiing isn't a reality for most, I've never even thought about it until about 5 months ago. I come back to the block walking with ski's and people be like "oh you got money now" lmao. Hit a few days at Killington for my birthday, peace park is valid. First time seeing park skiing at that level in person. Respect. Imma be at the fridge all summer getting broke off trying to slide rails, this shit is mad fun but crazy difficult. As far as other life shit I've held the same job as a fabricator for a furniture designer since like 2019 which is cool. The money is pretty good, he's calm about scheduling and is hyped when I go ski. My girl started snowboarding in December as well, she rips and is also super set on progressing and honestly is doing so at a faster rate than me in the park.
Yeah man, hope that all works out for you. I’ve had a work colleague that moved to Canada and vibes with the lifestyle. I lived in Whistler for a time and it was an amazing experience for sure, but, the transient lifestyle was quite bumming.
JmckRTurning 31 in May.
Looking back at my 20s, they were stupidly reckless, I had some shit handed to me which was well out of my control, but also made some idiotic decisions.
Out of my 6 closest friends friends, 2 are married, 2 are engaged, 1 is engaged and has a child, and the other is in a long term relationship too. They all have mortgages, good jobs and are basically setup for life. Over the course of my 20s my life has essentially gone down a completely opposite path.
Personally, I knew something drastic had to change. So I took a massive leap of faith earlier this year by quitting my amazing job in the UK and moving back out to Canada. So far it's going... okay, for lack of a better word. Hopefully will turn out to be the best decision I'll ever make and my 30s will turn out to be hugely more rewarding and successful than my 20s in so many ways!
I remember a couple of lads from my Blackcomb days who would have been in their 30s just sliding the rails and throwing 1s and 3s on the big line. I totally get it now.
RparrI am absolutely enjoying this as well after retiring from making edits last year
1s and 3s make sense, I’ve been fucking myself up on 540s lately. Two years ago I broke my ribs (jump was too small), last year I tore my rotator cuff so I don’t think I did a 540, this year I made sure to do it but caught my edge on lip since I spun too early (stupid mistake, jump was plenty big) now I broke my pelvis and rib and maybe shouldn’t try to 5 anymore, sadly switch cork 5s probably a fantasy at this point even though I feel young enough to do it my body apparently is saying no.
1spliff2guinniesI remember a couple of lads from my Blackcomb days who would have been in their 30s just sliding the rails and throwing 1s and 3s on the big line. I totally get it now.
iH8pow1s and 3s make sense, I’ve been fucking myself up on 540s lately. Two years ago I broke my ribs (jump was too small), last year I tore my rotator cuff so I don’t think I did a 540, this year I made sure to do it but caught my edge on lip since I spun too early (stupid mistake, jump was plenty big) now I broke my pelvis and rib and maybe shouldn’t try to 5 anymore, sadly switch cork 5s probably a fantasy at this point even though I feel young enough to do it my body apparently is saying no.
did you have surgery? how are things going with the pelvis and rib
It’s all non operable bone fractures, ribs are ribs, pelvis fractures also very similar they say there’s a pelvic bone fragment floating around but way I see it I’m thankful it’s not tendon/ligament something I’m extremely likely to reinjure, this injury ain’t shit I’ll heal in no time doctors are quacks im
walking next week
OregonDeaddid you have surgery? how are things going with the pelvis and rib
Turned 40 in Dec. 30’s were fun. Feel basically the same at this point thankfully. Really want to move out west in the next couple of years. Tired of missing out on so much skiing. One trip a month just doesn’t cut it.
Ok I said doctors are quacks but I still can’t put any weight on my leg, might be a longer recovery.
but I posted the remixed crash clip to my IG (small following) and chicks are getting in my DMs, one already sent me a selfie in lacy lingerie. Nice! Imagine if I posted to FB, I’d be doing 3 chicks at the time at my class reunion this fall, and anal
What date? I’m a December baby myself but 8 years behind you.
And yeah the move is worth it imho. This is coming from a fellow southerner.
PartyBullshiitTurned 40 in Dec. 30’s were fun. Feel basically the same at this point thankfully. Really want to move out west in the next couple of years. Tired of missing out on so much skiing. One trip a month just doesn’t cut it.
PartyBullshiitTurned 40 in Dec. 30’s were fun. Feel basically the same at this point thankfully. Really want to move out west in the next couple of years. Tired of missing out on so much skiing. One trip a month just doesn’t cut it.
BradFiAusNzCoCaWhat date? I’m a December baby myself but 8 years behind you.
And yeah the move is worth it imho. This is coming from a fellow southerner.
Ah shit, Im in December too! (18th) All more a reason to have a NS meet up somewhere!
I've been really enjoying hanging with guys in their 50's-60's+ and it rocks. Every single job ive ever had in my life, I've always gotten along greatly with older bros
**This post was edited on Apr 16th 2024 at 2:12:47pm
GayWolf420I've been really enjoying hanging with guys in their 50's-60's+ and it rocks. Every single job ive ever had in my life, I've always gotten along greatly with older bros
**This post was edited on Apr 16th 2024 at 2:12:47pm
ive got a couple golf buddies who are 50-60+ its quite enjoyable, plus they love chatting up younger people.
eheathive got a couple golf buddies who are 50-60+ its quite enjoyable, plus they love chatting up younger people.
Dude yeah. All the volunteer patrollers this season were super fun to be around. Tons of knowledge. Lots of combat veterans too and some pilots, and dudes who run companies. Good stuff.
GayWolf420I've been really enjoying hanging with guys in their 50's-60's+ and it rocks. Every single job ive ever had in my life, I've always gotten along greatly with older bros
**This post was edited on Apr 16th 2024 at 2:12:47pm
A few weeks ago I dipped into my favorite smoke spot at Loon where there's a bunch of brush cleared out and someone has turned a bunch of trees and rocks into a little sitting area. I've been going in there for years and occasionally run into people but this time there was an older guy. We got to chatting and turns out he and his buddies were the one that made the spot. We shared a J and he told me about the early days of Loon, him and his buddies making the spot (they call it 'the temple' lol), and life in general. It was super dope and honestly kinda inspiring. We ended up doing a few laps together. He told me he was a retired mail-man so I'd put him around 65+ years old and he was probably the coolest dude I met skiing this year.
Just bought another house. Might be the smartest or stupidest thing we’ve ever done kind of remains to be seen. Being over 30 means agonizing over interest rates, ugh
I work at a goat farm, don’t make much money but it’s a good life. Hoping to own my own farm in about 3 years. Lots of time off in December, January and February to ski cause the goats are dry then.
Def the smartest thing. Property values only go up my brother.
CaseyJust bought another house. Might be the smartest or stupidest thing we’ve ever done kind of remains to be seen. Being over 30 means agonizing over interest rates, ugh
CaseyJust bought another house. Might be the smartest or stupidest thing we’ve ever done kind of remains to be seen. Being over 30 means agonizing over interest rates, ugh
Not stupid at all. Congrats on the purchase and it looks sweet! When are we drinking beers around the firepit??
Not stupid!
That looks like a great place to live. No annoying neighbors close by!
I bought my house at age 37. That's when I felt fully grown up.
CaseyJust bought another house. Might be the smartest or stupidest thing we’ve ever done kind of remains to be seen. Being over 30 means agonizing over interest rates, ugh
nmwninjartNot stupid!
That looks like a great place to live. No annoying neighbors close by!
I bought my house at age 37. That's when I felt fully grown up.