I had a buldging disk last season during the summer from mountain biking. I didn't take it easy, it got worse, ski season came, I kept skiing hard, it got worse. I was getting sciatica from the disc pushing on my nerves, my PT told me "if you can ski with the pain it's prbly fine" I have a high pain tolerance and could but it would leave me hobbling the next day or two. Fast forward to Jan 2023, I couldn't walk, literally getting around my house with a trek pole. Finally got mri (insurance issues caused delay) disc was VERY bad (I could have told them that... I did tell them that..)
I had to spend 4 months with no activity and immense pain, then I got back injections that helped with the pain but doesn't resolve the problem so I still was no activity for another 3 months. Finally could do planks, so I strengthened my core and did seated good mornings and other low back exercises to take pressure off of my spine and have those muscles support it instead.
Tl;Dr: don't push it with a buldged disc or you will eventually not be able to walk and will have to take 6 months or more off to let it rest when it otherwise would have been a couple months of no activity.
You don't want back surgery, long term issues from a short term fix is not worth it
Slugger66Made a thread several weeks ago thinking it was an IT band issue. Turns out it's a disc bulge somewhere in my lower spine and/or SI joint.
Anybody have experience with this? What are my prospects for returning to occasional cliffs, charging, and light park? I'm doing my PT religiously and seeing early signs of optimism, but I anticipate it will take a while.