Replying to Shin Bang Help
I've had some shin bang most of the season but since I got back from Christmas break it has been really bad. I cant ski anything but groomers and some park right now because everything else hurts. I've had my fair share of backseat landings and that's definitely a factor but whenever I ski moguls or crud even with proper form my shins press on the tongue of my boot and cause significant pain. My shins are also a bit sensitive to the touch so I'm not sure if that's from the backseat landings or an actual bruise from impacting the tongue. I got new boots right after Christmas and they fit good except most of the pressure from the tongue is on the upper part of my shin so I'm going to go back to the boot fitter and see what they can do.
What is my best course of action so that I can come back and ski to my fullest through late spring? Is it possible to take time off and fully heal so that I can more or less restart? How long should I take off and are there any exercises that will help? Also can I continue to run and work out to exercise or will that slow the healing process?
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