I can backflip perfectly on tramp, ground, and with tramp skis on, and recently I went for my first ever backflip of a little jump I built. I don't know what happened because I felt like I committed but I guess not looking back at the video I didn't even lean back. Now I'm pretty scared to try it again but I feel like I can do it. I can flip on a lot of stuff just never tried on skis till this backie attempt and I have good air awareness. Any tips on how to fix what I did wrong here? Also going up to the jump I was obviously scared but I had like a feeling I was going to commit and It felt like I did but looking back at the video clearly not as I Didnt even lean back off the jump.
here's the vid of me doing it:
I just don't know why this happened, I felt pretty confident in my self doing this as I can do it perfectly everywhere else, tramp,ground,divingboard, tramp with tramp skis on etc.