EliasLeo6second setup like new ski's boots and bindings? or just like a second pair of bindings?
Second setup as in a second pair of skis and bindings. Your boots have pin inserts, which means they are compatible with pin bindings. What people in this thread are suggesting is you have 2 options:
Option 1- hybrid setup. (~$450-$750)
- Boots- K2 Fl3x diverge lt boots
- Skis- Dynastar MFree 99s
- Bindings-
CAST touring ($700) OR
Salomon Shift ($600, maybe $400 used) OR
Daymakers + Attacks (300+ 150 = 450) OR
Marker Duke PT (600)
Option 2- two setups (~$350-$750)
- Boots- K2 Fl3x diverge lt boots
- In bounds Skis- Dynastar MFree 99s with Attacks (150)
- Touring Skis- Starter setup on marketplace. You can get
frame bindings setups for < 200, and
pin setups for < 600. Your boots will work for either type of bindings on these skis as well assuming the frame bindings are gripwalk compatible.
Id be happy to elaborate. I think either option would work for you. CAST is definitely a burlier setup. Frame bindings SUCK but at least they get you uphill super cheap. If I were in your shoes, based off your other replies, I would probably pick Option 2- get attacks on Dynastars and find a secondhand pin setup on marketplace for $500-$600. However, Probably half of NS would recommend option 1- put CAST on your dynastars and be able to do both. (Or Attacks + Daymakers if youre on a budget). Other thing you could do is put attacks on, get daymakers, and if you find yourself touring more than you thought, then buy a pin setup and sell the daymakers.