GrapeHunter@Zurg is a liar and received the skis he just wants to put me in a bad light for some unknown reason im really a good guy
ZurgThat's bullshit and you know it
Let's take an unbiased analytical look at this.
grantlewis_dntm aka GrapeHunter
-Won line special blends in a contest
-won't shut up about it after 2 years
-likes attention
-low key pretty good taste in cars
-known douchebag (the car is a BMW)
-says he prefers snowboards on a skiing forum
-banned multiple times
-Seems to like skiing
-History of entering contests to win things
-Seems like a decent guy (no known controversies)
-Was selected randomly in grantlewis_dntm's thread to be given the skis
-Was pissed because he claims to not have been given the skis
Now what do we have to lose here. Well on one hand, mr grapehunter could lose his skis, but people would commend him for being a nice guy. Or he could not lose his skis, have skis but also piss off a bunch of people on the internet.
On the other hand, Zurg would either receive the skis or not receive the skis. If he receives the skis, he would have skis. But if he doesn't, naturally, he would be pissed because he was promised said skis. Unless of course, he was a known douchebag who gets enjoyment out of pissing people off. However, there is no evidence to this case.
Putting it all together, in my expert opinion, one of the parties seems to like having nice things and also pissing people off on the internet. The other aspires to win nice things but does not seem to enjoy pissing people off. Therefore I rule that in mr grapehunters case, he had stronger motive, by both keeping the skis and pissing people off, while mr zurg would lose by lying about receiving them, as it seems he does not like pissing people off. Also, after numerous contest entries, I believe he would have wanted to share to somebody that he indeed, finally won a contest. However we see here, his dreams crushed to a fine powder while mr grapehunter once again revels in it.
The defense rests.