It needs to be addressed more.,in%20these%20towns%20is%20alarming.
Ski Towns especially have higher suicide rates than bigger cities. This could maybe also be said about small town, USA in general. But yeah, These are places a lot of us frequent and are community members of. Mental Health is a huge issue within this industry and we've lost a lot of great people due to it.
Sure, we may be having an incredible winter out west, but reality sets in as soon as you come home down off the mountain and you still want to put a gun in your mouth. Lack of resources and states with ski towns ranking in the top 10 like Utah for instance for suicides doesn't help either. Lots of other possible things I think too like extreme wealth disparities, Cost of Living being unsustainable, and literally being worked like a slave by an industry that cares more about shareholders and profits than the people making it happen for them. I could go on for days.
**This post was edited on Mar 20th 2023 at 7:29:43pm