Hey what's up everyone. I posted this in a few comments but making a thread to avoid spamming. I ended up winning a good amount of money from fantasy football so I set up some X Games pick'ems for all the events. Throwing $$$ to the top 2 people that win. It's pretty simple, you pick the top three riders you think are gonna win, and the person with the most amount of points based on your picks wins. Points are determined by where a skier places. I'll reach out to you via NS or your email if you win.
Homepage: https://idx.style/game/home
Knuckle Huck: https://idx.style/game/2023-x-games-knuckle-huck-pickem
Ski Halfpipe: https://idx.style/game/2023-x-games-freeski-halfpipe-pickem
Ski Slope: https://idx.style/game/2023-x-games-freeski-slopestyle-pickem
Ski Big Air: https://idx.style/game/2023-x-games-freeski-big-air-pickem
And if you want to start your journey on fantasy degeneracy - here are the snowboard pick'ems
Snowboard HP: https://idx.style/game/2023-x-games-snowboard-halfpipe-pickem
Snowboard Slope: https://idx.style/game/2023-x-games-snowboard-slopestyle-pickem
Snowboard Big Air: https://idx.style/game/2023-x-games-snowboard-big-air-pickem
When you submit you have to refresh your page to see your entry on the leaderboard