Today we salute you, Loon Mountain, for having a bar at the top, bottom, and middle of the mountain (are there others like this?).
That took guts. We need guts.

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SofaKingSickToday we also salute people who do forward 10s. they are higher beings than the rest of us. examples: karl fostvedt, dale talkington... chris laker? name more please, i know i'm forgetting some
STEEZUS_CHRI5TShoutout to George Clanton and Nas for making great songs for skiing
BradFiAusNzCoCaI think I saw @skierman_jack doing a lofty 3 from the chair at eldora yesterday. So shout-out there
MaimHelpShout out those who hype anyone up on the hill no matter what skill level
SofaKingSickToday we also salute people who do forward 10s. they are higher beings than the rest of us. examples: karl fostvedt, dale talkington... chris laker? name more please, i know i'm forgetting some
MaimHelpShout out those who hype anyone up on the hill no matter what skill level
Does this self shoutout count?
SofaKingSickyooooo i approve big time that was dope. being able to chuck 10s is just so badass, it doesn't compare but i had rodeo 10s on lock jumping off bridges and shit and even that was next level fun to be able to chuck at will. and is that "no quarter" i hear a bit of? you're killin it bud
bennwithtwonsthanks doggy. it was the only one i ever got on film, as i was usually behind the camera not in front of it. i spun a couple right 10s as well but always fucked up the landing somehow, so i can only claim having landed 9s to the right. i used no quarter for my season edit that year and just pulled this clip off of that while waiting in line at the post office. i don't do well with heights, so jumping off bridges/cliffs/etc was never something i got into but i'd be stoked to see a clip of that rode 10 if you've got one!
animatorShoutout to newschoolers for giving me a place where I feel like I belong even though I suck at skiing and shoutout @tomPietrowski and @onenerdykid for being sick af and educating the masses