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I don't remember everything, but theres... an 80 ft hip thats got a nice slope if you want to clear the whole thing... hipped on both sides, of course... then four 45-ft tables in a row, with three different takeoffs, then a 65-ft stepdown, followed by the 75-ft 'money booter', and then a 60-ft long, 15-ft high rainbow rail, two rainbow-C rails, then there's the pipe.... 17-ft walls, 500 ft long... then the 20-ft high, 80-ft wide quarterpipe with tombstone hits and a nice grind bar on one side;.... then there's 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 ft flat rails, a roller coaster rail.... another, bigger roller coaster rail... then 6 35-ft tables in a row, then some whoopties, then a LOOP, then, uh, I think there's another 60-ft table.... oh yeah, then the huge step-up jump that Ostness came in and built! Then the parking lot gap jump, followed by a tree stall, chimney jib, wall ride, double kink rail, quad-kink stair rail, then the spiral staircase rail and a full O rail, then the whaleback, the teardrop, the roller coaster-C-rainbow rail, a 20-ft disaster to 15-ft high rail, then a rail with a nice 15 ft drop after it for 630s off, then two more hips, a lift jib, four more huge tabletops, a cornice drop, a double-black powder run, a trapezoid rail and four disaster rails, a double grind, an upside-down rail and a loop rail, an A-frame rail and an up-flat-down flat down-flat down rail, and a final 130-ft superkicker that has a 2 mile inrun. Then there's a hot tub with 17 hot chicks in it at the bottom, and eight cases of bacardi limon.
*Proud member of Newschoolers for Peace*