Thats right, you read it. The US is such a scam, everything is a "simple monthly payment". You own a 5000 square foot mansion that you paid for in cash? Have fun dealing with the arbitrary tax bill they dream up for it. Country just keeps getting ruined, not by one side of the political sphere, but both. Its a toxic mess and I figured I would just rage quit.
There is no American dream. If there is - it went to a 'subscription based model' long ago. You stop paying your mortgage, taxes, or rent for whatever reason, banksters will make sure you are the latest example of failure living under a bridge somewhere begging for quarters. You will own nothing and be happy, and it seems like many of you are already the poster child for this new "American Dream" that they are serving up hot.
So fucking sad nobody can rise up and get actual change to happen. They just get corralled to either Trump or Biden and then scream like a cuck at the other side of the aisle.
Me? I moved to Mexico.