I just wanted to say real quick…
YO FUCK YOU to these people. Terrain Parks on the east coast are getting the axe left and right, and you casuals are OUT HERE HATING ON NEW PARKS THAT AREN'T OWNED BY VAIL… Despicable. Mad embarrassing for our image as park rats. Y’all sound like spoiled brats. We all should be SUPPORTING Thunder Ridge and their step in the right direction. Not everyone can afford to go ski at their dream parks out west. Use your voice to support what you love, NOT try to tear it down before it even begins??
“They’re interfering with skill progression”
You can flip. SICK. ME TOO. Go do it at Mount Snow. Chances are they’re not even gonna have features big enough to stop your trailblazing progress in inverted aerials. Practice everything else while you’re there. If we all SUPPORTED their announcement then maybe they’d want to do even MORE park shit in the future. Meaning MAYBE!!!! they’ll have a jump line where we can flip!!!🙏
If you reading this could go flood @thunderridgeski on IG with some positivity and make us park skiers look like decent human beings.. that would really help our cause.
Thank you for your time 🤘🏻