My favorite local resort is Kirkwood, but admittedly it has a pretty lousy stake. They also placed it in an area that gets wind-scoured pretty badly. It's actively snowing rn and the stake shows nothing. Bad stake

Here are some of my favorite stakes in North America.
First up is Crested Butte. I like the incorporation of the ol' crusty butt logo. The hashtag is cheesy but endearing. The measurements are crisp and easily understood. Solid 9/10

Next, we got Whitefish. Again it does a great job incorporating the logo. That's a nice logo. The measurements are even better. Very nice. 9/10

I think the all-time best stake is Gnorm the Powder Gnome at Revelstoke. The 10" fella has a great history and does his job admirably. What he lacks in ruler measurements, he makes up for in handsome looks. 10/10

Go ahead and share your favorite snow stakes. Which one reigns supreme (besides Gnorm)? Which stakes are trash? Lemme know