Profahoben_212I think that they might run Newsom. But once again seems like not a good choice. He only wins Cali because he is the incumbent Dem, and really isn't liked too much outside of that from what I read. They could lose the independent vote with him as well.
The problem with Newsom is that he looks kinda swarmy... I'll admit as much, and I've voted for him what.. 4? 5 times now if you count the stupid recall? I dont see Gavin rocking a Carhartt hoodie anytime soon... Gavin looks like he'd appeal to your upper-middle class voter in Scottsdale or whatever who thinks rhinestones are classy, but thats not really gonna get you far.
The other thing going against him, as well as Kamala, is theyre from the Bay Area and thereby, naturally seen as out of touch with many independent voters in states they must win - Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, etc. they need to win enough margins in the uneducated working class to gain ground in those swing states while still maintaining turnout in the cities - Sure they both totally appeal to the base, but they run the same risk as Hillary in that they haven't really sold themselves to independent voters.
They cant just go in punching hard with staunch liberal social policies while not offering them stability and status quo by being honest, upfront, and straightforward about their economic policies while standing behind them with the same gumption the Republicans do. They will need to take the Tim Ryan route of standing by their laurels and focusing hard on their economic policies while also keeping the base interested enough with social policies.
The Democrats have an issue in that a lot of their best candidates for a nationwide run have lost recently. Stacy Abrams, Beto Orourke, Tim Ryan... and a lot of the other people they have are just so damn milk-toast-boring - such as Tony Evers, Gretchen Whitmer, Tim Walz, etc... They're constantly searching for another Obama or Bill Clinton, but they're running with candidates that lack that level of mass appeal and enthusiasm, while also running with a headwind as the incumbent party and cant point the finger at Republicans for tanking the economy like they could during the housing crisis.
Personally, I think someone like DeSantis is pretty fucking boring and uncharismatic too, but the Republicans also have a lot easier time throwing red meat to the likely voter base than the Democrats. To many of them, its just 'god is great', 'guns are god', 'taxes and regulation are the devil', and 'which brown people should we nuke for their oil so we can keep watching nascar?'
Biden won last time not so much for his charisma, but due to his well-entrenched ties to the older base as Obama's VP, and his appeal to independents. The Democrats don't really have that.