LonelyBelieve it or not I can be cautious and critical about what you said while also saying that people that say "If they are beaming the suns energy back to Earth, I’m sure they wouldn’t ever miss a transmitter receiving station right??!! I mean mistakes are never made when anything new is invented. What would that look like anyway? A laser beam or light beam coming down to Earth I guess. Could that cause a fire? Hmmm, I don’t know. I hope not! That wouldn’t look so good for PG&E, Rothschild Inc, Solaren or Jerry Brown who sure does seem fond of PG&E." are idiots.
Thinking wacky politicians on the right are idiots and being critical of the culture war on the left are not mutually exclusive.
Bot take
I mean yeah I hear you.
I'm probably the biggest hypocrite out there because I am actually pretty sure that I will get a winter boat slip in Chelsea MA instead of dry storing my new boat and just openly root on global warming. Fuck it there will still be ski days.
I think we are closer to being united than ever. The 2 party system could fall at any minute. Thats why the media has to be as decisive as possible and make both partys horrible and have us at each others throats.
I was a democrat before covid but it is going to take a long time for me to forgive vaccine mandates. I genuinely want ever politician who pushed for them hung no questions asked.