Michael J. Smith (University of Wisconsin University).
A fellow named Michael J. Smith – who bears a striking resemblance to “NASA Challenger pilot Michael J. Smith” (30-year timelapse considered), is to be found alive and well, teaching at UW (University of Wisconsin, Madison).
If he were still alive, the Challenger pilot should be 69 years old today. Well, there just happens to be a 69-year-old “Michael J. Smith living in Madison, Wisconsin."
During his 18 years in the college, Smith has advised 80 master’s and PhD students. Recently, a group of those students honored him with a surprise party and an award for excellence in holistic education. “He respects you as an equal and gives you the freedom to explore your interests, challenge his ideas and talk to other professors. His door is always open,” says a former PhD student. Smith, who earned his PhD in industrial psychology from UW-Madison and worked 13 years in industry before joining the industrial engineering faculty, also regularly volunteers to teach additional classes to ensure coverage of critical courses.
Doppelgänger?? Different eyebrows and ears, teeth and nose the same. I'm thinking of meeting him and asking.