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BallZach420It'd be cool if someone started making some nice bungees
Rparrdo you know why banshee bungee doesn't exist anymore?
Some absolute knobhead tried to anchor the banshee bungee into sand to do something on a beach. Unsurprisingly, when they pulled the bungee back, the anchor came free (because it was buried in fucking lose sand) and turned into a projectile which utterly destroyed the ankle of the kid pulling the bungee back. Kid's parents sued banshee bungee, and banshee bungie no longer exists
This is why we can't have nice things
.butterz.Trying to figure out what is needed in the ski industry that is currently not out there. Could be a new pole idea or some multi-ski tool you need when touring, I don't know. Any idea is a good idea.
Rparrdo you know why banshee bungee doesn't exist anymore?
Some absolute knobhead tried to anchor the banshee bungee into sand to do something on a beach. Unsurprisingly, when they pulled the bungee back, the anchor came free (because it was buried in fucking lose sand) and turned into a projectile which utterly destroyed the ankle of the kid pulling the bungee back. Kid's parents sued banshee bungee, and banshee bungie no longer exists
This is why we can't have nice things
BallZach420Yeah dude I listen to the two planker podcast too, just sayin it'd be cool
bertBertsonMore open-access municipal snowparks like the Dillon Ojo park in Montreal
elm.More parks in towns that get snow. There are skateparks and dirtjumps so I don't see why not a few rails on a hill
weastcoatMore rope tows
asparagusProbably the number one thing in this thread. Even having universities build rails on campus like Carleton U used to have would be so cool.
iskeaahMore summer accessibility, west coast chooses whis or hood and you have to pay a pretty penny. I wish my local drysloped the bunny chair and rope towed a rail setup, then they can still market to the average joe while keeping the skiing going. If they run lifts for bikers ( which they are planning to do) they might as well keep a lil section open even for hiking.
Also, with a freeride background whistler has one of the strongest junior tour programs as well as whitewater. They have a seamless program after the whistler kids. You graduate from the program you either choose freeride, slope, or racing. Other hills have regular lessons that don't feed into anything, I think that mountains should start marketing to parents whose kids enjoy the sport. I mean seriously if you can get them into a program parents are dropping like 3k easy on a team coaching yada yada.
TLDR: Support local athletes that qualify for national events. Competing is pay to win?
Lastly, there's no world-stage coaching, especially for freeride. Personal experience/take, I love the sport of skiing and qualified for worlds in kappl. Got on sticks early and worked at the pass instructed and slaved in the summer to afford it. Got a team scholarship and talked to reps for gear. During JFWC the FTW pays for accommodations, all skiing, and meals for you and a plus one. *Not coaching or a plane ticket over. Once in a lifetime opportunity but unable to steal my local coach/team manager away during prime time is impossible and any other coach available is either affiliated with other teams or is $500 a coaching day and ~$200 off days (ball park). Side note too if you've never skied under a coach it's a relationship they have to know your ability. For example, the coach says to point it off of that *kid blows up* vs knowing one kid goes huge and takes landings and another is a techy monster you tailor the line choice to exemplify their own skiing. Back to the point, everyone who has power in the ski industry is super flaky and no one knows how to commit. I said fuck it and invited my teammate and enjoyed every second of the trip. Prolly could have done better if I spent an extra 10k for a professional coach but 11th in the world isn't too bad. Going back to the question: what do we need? Take a cut of the enormous team fee and put it into a fund for the rare opportunities for norams or some travel events because it sucks to do it on your own. Market the team by supporting the kids who push your program. It's super common to see go fund me's for these types of events because families are left out to dry...
I was fortunate and so are a lot of competitive skiers maybe this isn't a problem, but it was for me. It's a money thing that I wouldn't want some other kid to miss out on or do into debt for. As freeride is still a new genre maybe more paths will naturally just open up. I'm not super familiar with racing and slope but I can't imagine it being any different.
.butterz.Any idea is a good idea.
BLandzWe need to find a way to make saran wrap bullet proof
BLandzYou have been proven wrong
SamuelForsgrenMore railjams and comps that isnt fis and also they need to make more comfertable ski boots
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BLandzI’ve read this a couple times on this site can someone explain because I don’t know what the fuck you people are talking about theres more people that ski than ever and its progressing faster than ever
elm.More parks in towns that get snow. There are skateparks and dirtjumps so I don't see why not a few rails on a hill
Rparrdo you know why banshee bungee doesn't exist anymore?
Some absolute knobhead tried to anchor the banshee bungee into sand to do something on a beach. Unsurprisingly, when they pulled the bungee back, the anchor came free (because it was buried in fucking lose sand) and turned into a projectile which utterly destroyed the ankle of the kid pulling the bungee back. Kid's parents sued banshee bungee, and banshee bungie no longer exists
This is why we can't have nice things
weastcoatMore rope tows
stovemore rope tows
eheathmore edits, less instagram clips
rymeisterbabywell if it isnt the most uselless person on ns
.butterz.Trying to figure out what is needed in the ski industry that is currently not out there. Could be a new pole idea or some multi-ski tool you need when touring, I don't know. Any idea is a good idea.