I was thinking that. I was also thinking they better fucking SEND like ULLR. I’m not on that level, I also wouldn’t really want those for myself, but for whoever does that’s be a cool one of a kind.
Truly legendary. Everyone would be talking about the guy they saw on osama skis, “oh I saw him air Jordan “, bro I saw him straight line Rambo “, “yo I seen him triple cork a 90’ transfer , “ well I saw him clear chads with no ankles” and “ all of us “ would be like lol no that’s just a meme, but it would spread and spread like wildfire , people would keep seeing these crazy skis, and eventually we would see this legendary person for ourselves, this person we assume is a ski god…. Ends up being a jerry gaper rich dentist kid sitting on the lip in the pro park he accidentally entered
ChunderfaceFirst person to do this will have god-level clout for all time.