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I live in a condensed, walkable part of town. Grocery store, dispensary, job, school, restaurant/breweries and everything else is within a half mile of my house.
Y’all will never catch me living in some suburban hell hole.
Lol fucking retard. "Libs" have an average higher income and those areas have a higher GDP as well. Imagine the efficiency if the income from the libs wasn't used to carry those red areas via tax dollars. Congrats, overall red states and areas are a drain on the government. Shocking.
VTshredder69but then I realize most of you *can afford cars.
Wait… I thought bitching about gasproces
was a treasured CONSERVATIVE hobby? I’ve never heard a liberal complain about gas prices. This thread is so confusing.
I live in a condensed, walkable part of town. Grocery store, dispensary, job, school, restaurant/breweries and everything else is within a half mile of my house.
Y’all will never catch me living in some suburban hell hole.
I’ll never understand as to why people choose to live in masses of other people and lots of concrete.
LippamaniNow if I get it going 25ish that's my goal any faster is way to scary to steer that would be
75mpg if I keep the same rpm
Thats better than a bicycle!
Gas prices don't really matter to me much anymore since I just got a job only like 2 miles from home. When I went to my interview a few days ago I saw someone rode their dirt bike . I'm surprised I don't see people riding lawnmowers for transport around here 😂
I got premium for $5.05 today my car doesn't take anything other than 93 so I have to really monitor gas buddy but this is a station in the hood where noone buys it close to my house.
I'm surprised we haven't been nuked by Russia yet with Biden putting Rachel Levine in charge of the military and giving Rapinoe the medal of freedom after she shits on America and is all about kneeling and hating the US.
TheMoostafianSolution: just make enough money to afford gas. God, poor people are fucking disgusting.
I have enough money to afford gas. I just want a zero turn that goes 45mph. Motorcycles and fast cars are for pussies. 1000cc zero turns are where it's at
LonelyI have enough money to afford gas. I just want a zero turn that goes 45mph. Motorcycles and fast cars are for pussies. 1000cc zero turns are where it's at
Lol see my other comment. I quoted you on accident.
But also, sign me up for the zero turn with a liter bike engine
That's the spirit only problem is zero turns are hydrostatic so the only thing you can really do is get a bigger pump, the classic single cilender 12hp mower only 2hp goes to the wheels other 10hp goes to deck so the trick is to find how fast your mower blade pully is going and matching that so you will have 10hp to the wheels and 2 for torque.
But that's really hard to do so mostly just figure out how fast you want to go how fast your going than word problem it out till you have the pully size you want go buy it put it on measur a belt and your set
LonelyI have enough money to afford gas. I just want a zero turn that goes 45mph. Motorcycles and fast cars are for pussies. 1000cc zero turns are where it's at
LonelyI have enough money to afford gas. I just want a zero turn that goes 45mph. Motorcycles and fast cars are for pussies. 1000cc zero turns are where it's at
ReturnToMonkeyBecause polluting the environment sucks
Thank GOD for the hordes of useful idiots like you who will make midterms and 2024 a complete sweep. Buh-buh 12 years... buh the polushon!!! Good thing the working American DOESN’T give A SINGLE SHIT about that when they cannot survive. take it straight from ol Bill. Buh-buh- ACK!
Keep complaining about gas prices. Welcome to capitalism man
Thank GOD for the hordes of useful idiots like you who will make midterms and 2024 a complete sweep. Buh-buh 12 years... buh the polushon!!! Good thing the working American DOESN’T give A SINGLE SHIT about that when they cannot survive. take it straight from ol Bill. Buh-buh- ACK!
ReturnToMonkeyKeep complaining about gas prices. Welcome to capitalism man
Yea I’m sure these guys want to hear all about how evil capitalism is and how the Scandinavian countries are superior in every way. Maybe you should lecture them on their implicit biases and microaggressions next.
You are one of the dumbest members on this site. I never said anything bad about capitalism. I was just stating a fact. You just go around making enemies wherever you can and of course the only way you know how is to assume a lot of things about other people
mobadisYea I’m sure these guys want to hear all about how evil capitalism is and how the Scandinavian countries are superior in every way. Maybe you should lecture them on their implicit biases and microaggressions next.
Me and my lib gang hopping on our 6 man bicycle for 50 miles to humanely kill and harvest fungus growing in a swamp to add to our vegan superfood poke bowl.
PeppermillRenoI got premium for $5.05 today my car doesn't take anything other than 93 so I have to really monitor gas buddy but this is a station in the hood where noone buys it close to my house.
I'm surprised we haven't been nuked by Russia yet with Biden putting Rachel Levine in charge of the military and giving Rapinoe the medal of freedom after she shits on America and is all about kneeling and hating the US.
Worse is to come I am afraid.
Same. I've been blessed with a BP station with 93 a block from my house. $5.40 where I'm at.
ReturnToMonkeyYou are one of the dumbest members on this site. I never said anything bad about capitalism. I was just stating a fact. You just go around making enemies wherever you can and of course the only way you know how is to assume a lot of things about other people
Ah yes I’m the dumb one who posts #keepgasexpensive. Though it’s not your fault you’re a granola marxist, modern academia is a complete sham. The easily molded are ripe targets. I pray for what states like Montana will become after they’ve been ruined by the garbage politics of out of state transplants like yourself. And you’ll wonder why it went downhill so fast. Why don’t you go and try your little #keepgasexpensive meme outside of your bozeman uni bubble and see how far it gets you. Go back to whatever CA/CO/East Coast hellhole you're from and stop ruining the few red states that still have their sanity.
**This post was edited on Jul 10th 2022 at 12:33:44am
**This post was edited on Jul 10th 2022 at 12:33:59am
mobadisYea I’m sure these guys want to hear all about how evil capitalism is and how the Scandinavian countries are superior in every way. Maybe you should lecture them on their implicit biases and microaggressions next.
mobadisAh yes I’m the dumb one who posts #keepgasexpensive. Though it’s not your fault you’re a granola marxist, modern academia is a complete sham. The easily molded are ripe targets. I pray for what states like Montana will become after they’ve been ruined by the garbage politics of out of state transplants like yourself. And you’ll wonder why it went downhill so fast. Why don’t you go and try your little #keepgasexpensive meme outside of your bozeman uni bubble and see how far it gets you. Go back to whatever CA/CO/East Coast hellhole you're from and stop ruining the few red states that still have their sanity.
First of all please don't call me a Marxist. Second I was kinda joking I just love how much the gas prices piss everyone off and clearly it worked, Im living in your head and in your walls.
Also I love how white people always complain about immigration when really all us white people are from Europe and have taken over the land of others
mobadisAh yes I’m the dumb one who posts #keepgasexpensive. Though it’s not your fault you’re a granola marxist, modern academia is a complete sham. The easily molded are ripe targets. I pray for what states like Montana will become after they’ve been ruined by the garbage politics of out of state transplants like yourself. And you’ll wonder why it went downhill so fast. Why don’t you go and try your little #keepgasexpensive meme outside of your bozeman uni bubble and see how far it gets you. Go back to whatever CA/CO/East Coast hellhole you're from and stop ruining the few red states that still have their sanity.
**This post was edited on Jul 10th 2022 at 12:33:44am
**This post was edited on Jul 10th 2022 at 12:33:59am
Cities don't do shit about homeless and junkies til it impacts where the rich folk live.
PeppermillRenoI got premium for $5.05 today my car doesn't take anything other than 93 so I have to really monitor gas buddy but this is a station in the hood where noone buys it close to my house.
If you can afford a car that requires premium, shouldn't gas price be a non issue for you? Then again no sense wasting money paying more when GasBuddy can help. Just caught me as an odd statement
Turd__AuthorityCities don't do shit about homeless and junkies til it impacts where the rich folk live.
If you can afford a car that requires premium, shouldn't gas price be a non issue for you? Then again no sense wasting money paying more when GasBuddy can help. Just caught me as an odd statement
You see car prices recently? 20 grand only gets you a piece of shit 30 doesn't do much better. If you are buying something used they all kinda cost the same. Its nice to drive luxury cars I only spent 28 grand on mine a year ago. The average car payment currently in America for whips being purchased rn new and used is 770 dollars mine is 500. Everything is expensive. Glad I am not worrying about charging an electric or repairing it when its range drops by 50% bc the battery starts to suck after a year.
I never used to think about how much a trip that took 3/4 a tank of gas actually cost just went tank to tank etc but in Bidens America it gets real quick when going somewhere 2 hours there and back is 100+ bucks. LIke no shit it used to be 60-70 but I didn't leave the house thinking about that like I do now.
LippamaniJust cuz I got a sick mower don't mean I'm poor just means your jealous. Cuz even though you have money you don't have the skill to build one.
PattolanWait until you realize there’s no safe way to dispose of the batteries from electric cars
Nah, like dominator Jacques said, it should just incentivize people to drive less. Not necessarily switch up their vehicle. Or incentivize more public transportation where available
ReturnToMonkeyNah, like dominator Jacques said, it should just incentivize people to drive less. Not necessarily switch up their vehicle. Or incentivize more public transportation where available
I love to drive, and take joyrides, but I'm doing my part now, by NOT driving. I could afford it, but it's for everyone's benefit.
"Stop driving gas cars!!!! Bad 4 environment" unless you guys make it more affordable for everyone to convert over to electri but like some of us still need to go to work and I kinda care more about paying bills than your political beliefs. Sorry some of us don't have trust funds lol.
**This post was edited on Jul 10th 2022 at 4:51:07pm
DeebieSkeebies"Stop driving gas cars!!!! Bad 4 environment" unless you guys make it more affordable for everyone to convert over to electri but like some of us still need to go to work and I kinda care more about paying bills than your political beliefs. Sorry some of us don't have trust funds lol.
The National Household Travel Survey in 2020 reported that 35% of private vehicle (cars, SUVs, trucks) trips were less than 2 miles. I get y'all have to get to work but you can do a lot of those smaller trips on a bike, a scooter, skateboard, your feet, etc. It's fun, healthy, and cheaper. I'm not talking about the world changing to more expensive, efficient cars. I'm talking using your existing car less and using your own body to make more trips. It takes like 15 minutes to bike 2 miles to the grocery store or your buddy's house and that's if you are slow. It's way healthier both for your body and your brain. This is what i'm getting at.
TRVP_ANGELMe and my lib gang hopping on our 6 man bicycle for 50 miles to humanely kill and harvest fungus growing in a swamp to add to our vegan superfood poke bowl.
ReturnToMonkeyThe National Household Travel Survey in 2020 reported that 35% of private vehicle (cars, SUVs, trucks) trips were less than 2 miles. I get y'all have to get to work but you can do a lot of those smaller trips on a bike, a scooter, skateboard, your feet, etc. It's fun, healthy, and cheaper. I'm not talking about the world changing to more expensive, efficient cars. I'm talking using your existing car less and using your own body to make more trips. It takes like 15 minutes to bike 2 miles to the grocery store or your buddy's house and that's if you are slow. It's way healthier both for your body and your brain. This is what i'm getting at.
It will happen eventually once the WEF forces everyone into high density urban apartments because they own all the land and houses